Is there a way to jump to the beginning or the end of a text field in the internet browser?


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Dec 30, 2014
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Moving around in a text field in web browser

Is there a way to jump to the beginning or end of a text field in the internet browser (I'm using the native one), like ctrl+home/ctrl+end do on desktop computers? What about page up/page down? I've enabled cursor control which is okay for navigating around the cursor but apparently not for longer jumps?


Retired Moderator
Feb 12, 2012
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Re: Moving around in a text field in web browser

Just tap the spot you want the cursor to be at. If your finger is accurate, you should be within a letter or two. If you have a text filed longer than a whole page, you're on a page designed by a shoe salesman, not a web designer. Anything longer than a line is a textarea, and it shouldn't be higher than about 4 or 5 lines, with scrollbars if there may be more text entered than that. If they want your life's history, they should have an upload button, so you can upload the 400KB text file version

(People don't claim to be doctors just because they know how to open Band-Aids, so why does everyone with access to a computer claim to be a web developer? But some of the abortions on the internet that some people call web pages should be shot on sight and burned in an atomic oven. Maybe we shouldn't shoot the people who "designed" them, though.)