Android Development Information


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Aug 25, 2016
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I’m new to Android development and I’ve recently order an Android application for one of our Project Controls database. I thought it’ll be as easy developing the database in Android as on my computer database, but after discussions I’ve found out that Android development has many limitations and is no way like computer database program such as MS Access that I used for development. He said he’s using SQLLite to map with my Access database and need to use Java, XAML, etc too.

I am looking to know whether developer is limited in his skills, or there really are such limitations in Android. Limitations I’ve been introduced to:

• Everything in Android is handled manually. For e.g. even to show single field from the table they say that have to do a lot of work manually to show it on the screen

• Reports are text likes, as the one I have provided link below. Developer says if you want graphical report as the one provided by Access, we’ve to do draw each and every pixel manually to give it a graphical look.

• Data is handled manually on Android. First, I don’t know what it means. Second, if someone does know what is it, is it really true what he’s saying??

• There’s no data source available when for example in creating forms, and have to run a separate query for each and every field in the table.

• To use data from each screen to any other screen, it involves, XML Interface files, .Java Files and Database SQLite file.

I’ve programmed much with Access and VBA. They might be different. I’m planning to move to C#, so it might be more close to Android. But wanted to make sure what he’s saying is true and believable.

Android Verification Report.png