Trading my Epic Touch 4g for an iPhone 4S, possibly?

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May 13, 2011
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I have been on the active campaign for android for about 2 years now. A few years ago, I had a Samsung Instinct before the Palm Pre, and was selling the point, in my mind, that it was better than the iPhone. I was so obstinately opposed to the iPhone, that I would take a trac phone over an iPhone. I hated the Steve Jobs way - whatever he wanted, that's how you use it.


The other day, as I was pondering the economy, I was thinking how ridiculous it is that every marketing platform and campaign known to man deals with discounts, even on BRAND NEW products. I think it is so ridiculous that our economy is in the tank, and other nations are flourishing. We are America. We invented the markets as the world knows market now! Why are other countries outselling American companies?

Then it hit me. The question was this: "Why is there not more American companies dominating the global markets, such as mobile phones?" I thought,"Ok, Google is American, and they developed Android, but............ HTC is from Taiwan and Samsung South Korea?" Wow! Ehy is there not a company who both makes their own hardware and software?

That's when it hit me like a fast pitch with no glove! "Apple is an American company!" This phone and computer and tablet that I have been so ridiculously biased towards, is a true red white and blue American company! Granted, their hardware is made in China, but so is this tablet I'm typing on! This is a company started by a couple of American entrepreneurs, that is at the top of the world when it comes to phones and computers! Why have I not embraced it? The Steve Jobs way is actually a fantastic business model that allows the company to keep making money, to keep innovating, and to keep Americans employed! The problem with so many tech companies, is that they allow themselves to be taken advantage of until they run out of business. Apple has taken and kept control of their business model and have thrived in an otherwise down economy!

I love my Epic Touch 4g. I do t know if I will like it, but at this point, I think that I will keep my money local, at least domestically speaking, and give Apple a good run for my money! We will see if I cqn live with iOs, and if not, the thin I will be back!


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Nov 11, 2009
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So why not buy a Mac, an iPod touch, or an iPad if you love your Epic Touch? To be honest your couple hundred dollars won't make a bit of difference when the company makes billions but if it gives you some kind of warm fuzzy feeling inside then whatever floats your boat.


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May 13, 2011
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So why not buy a Mac, an iPod touch, or an iPad if you love your Epic Touch? To be honest your couple hundred dollars won't make a bit of difference when the company makes billions but if it gives you some kind of warm fuzzy feeling inside then whatever floats your boat.

Oh no, warm and fuzzy will not be the final decider, my friend. Lately I have just been getting tired of app crashes, and how is it that my girlfriends iPhone 4, with its 1 processor runs just as snappy and in some cases, smoother, than my duo core exynios bad boy? I think that no one can truely argue how smooth apples hardware and software run together.

iOS 5 will likely be the line. It seems to have drawn from Android in most if the areas I like best about Android. I am just tired of bugs that come with Droid. But we shall see...


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Jun 12, 2010
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Apple gets on my nerves with their mafia like tactics, but im waiting to see what type of speeds this iphone will have. It will be completely upsetting to find that a 3g phone gets better service than my epic 4g touch. In which case i will be forced to believe that sprint is throttling or that apple is just the best that has ever done it. I will have to do some reaearch to see the type of speeds others are getting on different carriers with their galaxy s II's because i just received my epic 4g touch on friday so i will still be within my return window, this would still leave me with the option to switch carrier because I would hate to have to fall in line and kiss the ring.


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Nov 11, 2009
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Oh no, warm and fuzzy will not be the final decider, my friend. Lately I have just been getting tired of app crashes, and how is it that my girlfriends iPhone 4, with its 1 processor runs just as snappy and in some cases, smoother, than my duo core exynios bad boy? I think that no one can truely argue how smooth apples hardware and software run together.

iOS 5 will likely be the line. It seems to have drawn from Android in most if the areas I like best about Android. I am just tired of bugs that come with Droid. But we shall see...

Grass isn't always greener on the other side. I have an iPad 1 and 4th Gen iPod touch. They are smooth yes, but they are not without their flaws either. App crashes occur as well they just don't say force close. On fact safari crashed on me 3 times yesterday as it refused to play video in browser. The keyboard on the ipad lags pretty badly at times as well. The lack of flash in browser often has me going to my phone more than I would have thought and the lack of customization is a drag. It doesn't have me wishing I hadn't gotten the i devices but these things can be annoying at times. Just don't think that they will be perfect devices.


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Feb 17, 2010
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Grass isn't always greener on the other side. I have an iPad 1 and 4th Gen iPod touch. They are smooth yes, but they are not without their flaws either. App crashes occur as well they just don't say force close. On fact safari crashed on me 3 times yesterday as it refused to play video in browser. The keyboard on the ipad lags pretty badly at times as well. The lack of flash in browser often has me going to my phone more than I would have thought and the lack of customization is a drag. It doesn't have me wishing I hadn't gotten the i devices but these things can be annoying at times. Just don't think that they will be perfect devices.

I agree with you. I have had a couple of iPhones and an iPad 2 and they are simple and beautiful machines, but there are some features that are missing. Not having flash in the browser is a pain. You don't realize how much until you don't have it.

sent from my EPIC TOUCH 4G, GALAXY SII


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Jun 13, 2010
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Oh no, warm and fuzzy will not be the final decider, my friend. Lately I have just been getting tired of app crashes, and how is it that my girlfriends iPhone 4, with its 1 processor runs just as snappy and in some cases, smoother, than my duo core exynios bad boy? I think that no one can truely argue how smooth apples hardware and software run together.

iOS 5 will likely be the line. It seems to have drawn from Android in most if the areas I like best about Android. I am just tired of bugs that come with Droid. But we shall see...

This post contradicts your whole first lost. Are you switching because Apple is an American company or because the iPhone seems smoother. Don't be afraid to just admit you might like the iPhone. No need to come up wih Lame excuses.


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Oct 3, 2011
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Grass isn't always greener on the other side. I have an iPad 1 and 4th Gen iPod touch. They are smooth yes, but they are not without their flaws either. App crashes occur as well they just don't say force close. On fact safari crashed on me 3 times yesterday as it refused to play video in browser. The keyboard on the ipad lags pretty badly at times as well. The lack of flash in browser often has me going to my phone more than I would have thought and the lack of customization is a drag. It doesn't have me wishing I hadn't gotten the i devices but these things can be annoying at times. Just don't think that they will be perfect devices.

Slight Wall of Text Warning. TLDR summary: I need to know why the battery on the E4GT is so crappy. If I can't find a fix, than I, too, will be going to the iPhone 4S.

I'm in the same boat as the OP; I bought an E4GT the Saturday before the iPhone announcement. I knew the announcement was coming, but I wanted to try out the E4GT for 2 weeks before making a decision either way. I can say now that I am on the verge of switching, thanks to the HORRID battery life I get with this thing. That hang-up alone will send me packing from Android Town.

It's so confusing, too, since almost every review I've read says the battery life on the E4GT is stellar, but in my case, it's anything but. With minimal app installs or widgets, no 4G at all and minimal use overall, the battery would run itself dry in about 8-10 hours. I don't know about you, but I would actually like to use my phone and have it last more than a work day, so I can get home to put it on the charger for the night. Keep in mind, this is with very minimal use; no games, no 4G, no picture taking, not a lot of web surfing, and push emails. Even with the advanced battery saving technology in this thing, it just seems to do what it wants when the screen is off and drain the battery for apparently no reason at all.

Which is part of the reason why I would want to move to iOS5 and the iPhone 4S. I've read many forums, especially ones here, that detail very specific things you can do to increase battery life, but many of the steps involve either going into menus and turning off things until you need them (GPS, WiFi, 4G) or simply not using the phone. If I wanted a paperweight with a 4.5" screen, I would keep my deactivated EVO (which, funny enough, had better battery life for me than the E4GT). As far as I know from using other iOS devices (iPad2 and iPod Touch, 3rd Gen), when the device's screen is off, other than a few email pushs and other network access, it uses very little power, especially the iPad2. Granted, it's WiFi only, but WiFi is on ALL the time, and when it doesn't find a signal, it simply goes to sleep until I get a trusted connection, thus saving the battery. I can go DAYS without charging the iPad2, while still doing stuff like play games, surf the web, get emails and the like. If the iPhone 4S has similar longevity, consider me sold.

I've used PCs most of my life, and I consider Android phones to be the mobile equivalent. I like to be able to have access to the OS in order to get the most I can out of a device, but in the case of Android, it's that very thing that causes many more problems than should exist in a mobile device. You have all these great tools in the E4GT, but if you can't use them for more than 6-8 hours before having to bring out the charger, then why even have them at all? It's just a tease to me.

Before I jump ship, however, I want to give this one last chance. Does anyone out there have any advice to increase the longevity of the E4GT? All I want to be able to do is have push email for my Gmail and Exchange (I need fast access to email, due to my job), be able to play a game or two on the train to/from work, and put the thing in my pocket and not have it lose 10% power/hr while seemingly doing absolutely nothing.

Thank you for your time.


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Jul 18, 2010
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Push email is going to chew battery. If you are in a poor service area, it's going to chew battery. I also get 6-8 hours on a full charge depending on use, but then again, that's better than my Evo, which I was used to. So bump charging and spare batteries aren't that big a deal to me. Chargers are cheap. Spare batteries are cheap (and small).

If I had a phone with a proprietary connector and couldn't bump charge just about anywhere, it would be a big issue. But I can just about walk into any office and access a microUSB charger. And I prefer having the option to swap the battery out over having to stop what I'm doing for a couple of hours to recharge because there is no option to swap out the battery.

Battery life is the biggest flaw in Android. But it can be managed with very simple means. When I stack that up against all of the limitations of iOS, it's no contest.


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May 8, 2011
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I've had great battery life since day 1. While it is possible some tweaks will improve your battery life, the fact that so many of us have had very good battery life from the start would make me suspicious about keeping a phone that doesn't. I think it would be worth trying to exchange you phone. If Sprint refuses, then tell them you want to return it.


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Sep 12, 2011
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ACTUALLY...after the final product is delivered to consumers; everything that went into making that iPhone people hold in their hands; was made overseas. So I don't get your argument. Who cares if Apple was founde in America and is based in it making your life and the life of MAJORITY of Americans better? The whole point of "buying American" is to support and sustain jobs in America.


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Sep 12, 2011
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ACTUALLY...after the final product is delivered to consumers; everything that went into making that iPhone people hold in their hands; was made overseas. So I don't get your argument. Who cares if Apple was founde in America and is based in it making your life and the life of MAJORITY of Americans better? The whole point of "buying American" is to support and sustain jobs in America...and NOTHING that goes into the iPhone is made in America.


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Jul 13, 2010
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Thank You!!! just like Ford and Toyota, a toyota is more american than a ford is... lol people, do ur research!!! the first time i bought an ipod in 2005, i was like, why is it made in china? I FELT LIED TO!!! well, its apple... lol


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Jul 13, 2010
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An american company that builds all their products in china.

Thank You!!! just like Ford and Toyota, a toyota is more american than a ford is... lol people, do ur research!!! the first time i bought an ipod in 2005, i was like, why is it made in china? I FELT LIED TO!!! well, its apple... lol


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Feb 17, 2010
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Battery life on the iPhone can be misleading. When I was with at&t, I would be able to turn the 3G off and just use EDGE. That doubled my battery. Plus, without the multi-tasking it doesn't really for a while lot when idle unlike an Android device that is always working. Lastly, with such a small screen, the iphone isn't going to use as much juice. The iPhone is a good phone. Buy it operates differently from an Android device and sometimes that yields better battery life.

sent from my EPIC TOUCH 4G, GALAXY SII
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