Right, and if I had a couple devices all using the same Google Voice account then it would seem people would only have to call one number, no?
Basically the plan would be to take 3 android devices (these could be phone, tablets, mp3 players, etc-anything running android) and add the same google voice account to each of them..then when someone calls that account's google voice number, would all of them ring? Anyone know if this would work in actuality? Any rooting required? When using Talkatone on iOS devices, if a google voice number is added to an iOS device then ONLY that device will ring when the number is called. So in this case, we have an Obi hai system which no longer rings when that google voice account is used in Talkatone on an iPad. I would try this myself but I don't have any Android devices at the moment to test it on. I plan to acquire a couple cheap Android devices if this will work.
Any help is greatly appreciated!