2.3.5 Leak is amazing


Active member
May 25, 2011
As stated in Title. It's just amazing

When I had the official FroYo build my battery life was pretty fail, got about 8 hours then it completely died and I had to charge again. Then I flashed the leaked 2.3.3 and that was about the same, only slightly better battery life. Then I flashed 2.3.5 yesterday. I started charging it at 9AM with 5% battery and unplugged it at 12PM and it was 100% full. I went the rest of the day on heavy use and at 11:30PM the battery was still at 70% (and when I went to bed a few minutes later it was still at 70%).

I wanted to see if it lasted through the night (Usually it would drain the battery pretty fast even if it wasn't being used) so I left it on all night and this morning at 9AM I looked at it, still had 66% and been using it all day heavily and it's at 50% as I type this.

Also, no random resets yet, something I had a lot of on 2.3.3

I turned it off and back on to test boot speed and it took 15 seconds to fully boot. 15 SECONDS.

Colors are really nice too and the speed is comparable to the GS2. That's right "Comparable to the GS2" I went to the store to see how fast the GS2 was compared to my captivate with 2.3.5 on it and the GS2 was only slightly faster. I played with the Infuse and the speed on that thing SUCKED compared to both.


Well-known member
Sep 9, 2011
Wow. I need this.
I'm with Rogers Wireless in Canada and we've received 2.3.3. It's much better than but Froyo. You're saying 2.3.5 is that much better? Where did you get the leak? How do you install it and what are the drawbacks?

Sent from my GT-P7510


Active member
May 25, 2011
Wow. I need this.
I'm with Rogers Wireless in Canada and we've received 2.3.3. It's much better than but Froyo. You're saying 2.3.5 is that much better? Where did you get the leak? How do you install it and what are the drawbacks?

Sent from my GT-P7510

I followed the links on this article: http://www.androidcentral.com/samsu...gingerbread-leak-build-uckj1-brings-235-table

You install it though Odin (One of the commenters gives a pretty good run down) So far there's no drawbacks, though every once in a while it'll hang for a couple minutes (But that happened on FroYo too. Probably because I have so many overlays and add ons and widgets running) other then that there have been no draw backs.

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