Flashed a few times with Odin. I got the firmware elsewhere. But didn't do the USERDATA thou, I'm hoping to not overwrite my data or app data. Not sure if USERDATA will overwrite it or not.
I'm only wondering if it hardware based because I recently noticed it won't fast charge, and when connecting it to a charger sometimes the charge time would be ridiculously long, 6 hours or so also. It just started with this. A few weeks ago the cable got hit while it was charging. Broke the cable but the port still worked.
Yesterday I got caught in the rain. I didn't get totally soaked, but I'm wondering if water didn't get in my pocket just right to get in the port. I blew a small, real small, amount of water out of it when I felt it keep restarting in my pocket. I dried it out with a dryer and removed the back cover. I didn't find any evidence of water inside. Today I removed the board with the port and took a good look at it and there was a very slight bit of corrosion in a spot. I cleaned it up with contact cleaner and reinstalled it but no change. I ordered another board but it won't be here till Tuesday.