i suffer no hardships doing this -
Battery Tips for Android
1. Toggle off LTE, WIFI, GPS, BT, NFC, Hotspot. Toggle on as needed.
2. Display Brightness - Turn off Auto Brightness and Reduce Setting Bar to Minimum.
3. Sign out of any unused Google Services - GTalk, G+, Google Now, Messenger, etc. Disable Location Reporting/History.
4. Beware of constantly syncing Apps and Bloatware like Facebook, Twitter, News, Google CURRENTS, Non-Push Email, etc. Set Sync interval for every 1 hour or more.
5. Turn off keyboard haptic feedback.
6. Don't use Live Wallpaper. Use dark wallpaper if possible.
7. Set Display Sleep Setting to 2 Minutes or Less.
8. Set WIFI to Always stay on during Sleep if you regularly use WIFI.
9. Turn off vibrate for Emails.
10. Be careful of using too many live widgets.
11. Sync Exchange Emails 30 Days or less.
12. Do NOT use a Task Killer App.
this means that i personally am giving up NOTHING with these tips. i'm not giving up any features. there are no tradeoffs for me. a tradeoff or a hardship would be to turn off PUSH email or use AIRPLANE mode during the day etc.
you find your own balance and the tips list is a start but you must come to your own conclusion as to what's important. it's personal preference but these are not a big deal to me at all as they do not affect the function or operation of my phone. these tips do not deteriorate my experience.
OR you can buy an Extended Battery from Amazon.