hells yeah! thanks. whats funny is i am actually the most chill un-arrogant person ever. i work in the world of commercial and residential A/V and Automation Integration. i deal with promised Crestron firmware updates, HDMI issues galore, new product releases, the fine line of deciding what to spec into jobs, making sure we aren't speccing vaporware etc. i have done this for 13 years, it is my business. i deal with frustrated clients when products dont hit on time, i deal with providing temporary equipment while we wait for new products to hit. no one understands this scenario better than i do. you guys have no clue about bugs until you sell the bugs and it effects someones ability to watch their new $50,000 media room. you think this phone thing is bad, you dont have a clue. the one thing i can count on is communication from all of my vendors and admittance of bugs and problems, it is cutting edge technology and it happens, it is a given. the problematic vendors or ones that want to play games dont get my business, it is that simple, my ass is on the line.
i am so f-ing flabergasted that VZW could be silent this whole time and not come out with a statement. i dont give a **** if they did or didnt announce the product, date, or whatever. it is THEIR PRODUCT. it is their responsibility to THEIR CUSTOMERS who will be buying THEIR PHONE to keep them informed. their are thousnds and thousands of posts on their facebook wall saying all sorts of gnarly negative stuff. all it would take is one well written statement, i would love to write it for them!