Android Auto - Ford Sync3, not VW, or the others


Well-known member
Jan 26, 2011
i have read all the reports of Android Auto not working on some car models. I however, have the S24+ and moved everything from my S22 to it via Smart Switch. My 2016 Ford Mustang recognized the S24+ right away, but Android Auto does not show anything but the symbol on the car screen with a See Updates button. When I touch this, nothing happens. I don't know if I should delete the S24+ from it and start all over or roll back the Android Auto update that happened on my phone 6 days ago. Any other Ford Sync owners experiencing this.
I use Ford Sync in a one year old Lincoln MKZ. I had to remove my old phone and add the 24U to the car. Even though the phone got the connection. The car didn't so it didn't recognize it.
I believe I had to give the phone permission in AA again once the car recognized the new connection.
I haven't had any issues on Sync4 on my f150. I removed my old phone connection even before I tried to add the s24 tho. When I went to add the s24 it automatically went into the set up for android auto. Maybe try removing all the phones from sync that might be there and then add your s24 again. If I remember correctly, sync allows 2 phone connections for basic functions (phone calls and such) but only 1 of them can connect with android auto.
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I use Ford Sync in a one year old Lincoln MKZ. I had to remove my old phone and add the 24U to the car. Even though the phone got the connection. The car didn't so it didn't recognize it.
I believe I had to give the phone permission in AA again once the car recognized the new connection.
Thanks, I'll give that a try. I had rolled back the recent AA upgrade to try as well, but just getting up and will also try that later and report back as to which worked or didn't work. I should have removed the sync of the S22 before connecting the S24+, but didn't think the car would connect on the old sync as it did.
I haven't had any issues on Sync4 on my f150. I removed my old phone connection even before I tried to add the s24 tho. When I went to add the s24 it automatically went into the set up for android auto. Maybe try removing all the phones from sync that might be there and then add your s24 again. If I remember correctly, sync allows 2 phone connections for basic functions (phone calls and such) but only 1 of them can connect with android auto.
Thanks. In the past all of my old (Older than S22) remained without issues, but it seems the S23 and beyond may fall in to two phones only. Right now, since I still have the S22 as back up, I have left it. I even rolled back the most recent AA upgrade, but have not had the chance to try that yet. But, as you and @racedog have suggested, I will delete the S24 and remove the sync that Smart Switch brought over from the S22 and start over. Easily done.
Update: finally got it connected. Had to remove ALL phones from AA as well as all associated AA phones from Sync3, reconnect the S24+, and that did the trick.
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