Android Battery Issues

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Nov 21, 2024
Hi, I'm making this post in lieu of my friend.

My friend here has an Android S10e obtained in 2019, our problem starts with a power bank (Brand:ASAP Technology Model:BP8C1) when plugging their phone into the power bank instead of charging the phone will begin draining. Screenshots they sent me of a battery health app show -7 to -6 Watts out of -2k to -1.8k mA after charging with the power bank, I will make a side note to mention their devices temp sits around 80 degrees Fahrenheit.

After unplugging the phone the problems persist, I've instructed them to give the phone a break before charging it again as a test. This issue has also happened before with a different phone and same power bank as well, both with different charging cables.

What we'd like to know is if this will be a permanent problem with the battery? Or if there's another way to fix this, nixing phone repair (this isnt a off the table i just want to know if we can home remedy it before moving to extreme measures)

As well to add my own opinion in here, even if I sound or look stupid I like learning and being proven wrong anyways, my working theory is that the power bank is possibly too strong for the phone causing battery drain instead of charge. However I know nothing about electricity, so I may be wrong.

Also adding the fact that according to the phone the charging port is wet, despite my friend saying it isn't.


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If the power bank is too weak you'll get battery drain while using the device when it's plugged in.
Hello, thank you for the answer!

But the battery drain also persists after the phone is off the power bank. It's not a normal rate of drain, and while it's calmed down now it's still draining at a faster rate than it should technically be. But the phone is also 6 years old.
Welcome to Android Central! A 6 year old battery has a good chance of being pretty deteriorated. You can get an idea of how deteriorated it is by running an app like Accubattery. After a few charging cycles, it can give you a battery health report. Anything <80-85% is pretty deteriorated, and would be expected to drain fairly quickly and not hold a charge very well.
the battery is old. It will not hold a charge like a newer battery. In addition, while charging, the phone is still working. You have apps that run in the background in addition, there is searching for mobile , wifi and possibly bluetooth signals, all of which will also will drain the battery. For a test, turn off the phone and charge.
Hello update here for anyone who stumbles upon this!

Most of the people above didn't even read the information provided, but for anyone in a similar situation, something that did help was clearing the cache partition in recovery mode. I hope this is helpful, unlike the moderators!
Hello update here for anyone who stumbles upon this!

Most of the people above didn't even read the information provided, but for anyone in a similar situation, something that did help was clearing the cache partition in recovery mode. I hope this is helpful, unlike the moderators!

Wow instead of having a normal back and forth conversation u like to point out people with what their suggestion is and didn't even reply back to confirm if it was a Samsung which by the sound of it looks to be .

Great way to have a conversation when looking for help .
@Laura Knotek @mustang7757 @B. Diddy @me just saying Shame on all of you for not being able to instantly diagnose and provide the correct fix for an issue on the first try when given some vague information that could lead almost anywhere.

Kudos to @Soul for accidently finding the fix (temporary or permanent remains to be seen), rubbing it the face of those who were just trying to help with limited info and for a fine job of winning friends and influencing people.
What I said is still very much factually correct and could still be a contributing factor.

FYI, we try to foster a friendly and inclusive environment here. Snarky and patronizing attitudes are not our favorite.

Since the problem has been solved and we're all apparently doofuses, I'm closing this thread:cool:
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