1. If you did leave Windows Mobile for Android, how come? What attracted you to Android?
I just wanted away from WM. Anybody using WM who is paying attention realizes that very few new apps and very few developers are creating new apps for the platform, or even updating existing ones. For example, MLB created a fantastic app for iPhone, some apps for Blackberry, a big nothing for WM, which has been around far longer than either platform. Internet browsing on WM stinks; the browser is slow, and does not support modern browser standards. WM has a tired, mini-desktop UI method, which almost always requires a stylus (for touchscreens) or a dpad moving an option at a time.
I own a Mac, and Microsoft has no sync app for Macs. (Big surprise.) I've tried third party syncing apps, which did not work for me, so I ended up syncing my calendars and contacts with Google Cal and Gmail, and having all of my mail accounts POPed to my gmail account, since they all have so much SPAM and WM has no SPAM filtering in the mail application. I then started using Exchange sync with Nuevasync.com, but every once in a while I'd find that something changed on Nuevasync's servers, stopping automatic OTA sync until I manually went in to the ActiveSync app on the phone to say that it was ok to accept the change (meaning that I was missing pushed mail until it was sent.)
I was actually planning to move to an iPhone, not an Android phone (I also sync everything to MobileMe), but realized that staying with Verizon was more important than getting an iPhone. Since I am syncing everything to Google anyway, Android just makes sense.
Are the multiple versions of Android causing you any headaches? Or are you just waiting patiently for an upgrade?
Um, not sure why it would bother me? My phone works fine on the version on which it runs; there are plenty of apps that I care about that work with it.
This is an especially weird question for a Windows Mobile user to ask, by the way. Not only are there 6.0, 6.1, and 6.5 phones, each of those have touchscreen/pro editions and non-touch/standard editions, and it is incredibly rare for phones to get more than one version update (my last phone had zero - it shipped with 6.0, had a bug patch, but no 6.1.)
Which do you prefer? Stock Android, or something like HTC's sense on top of it?
My phone had Sense. I took a long time deciding between an Eris and a Droid, but I really liked the way that the Eris worked. I guess I'd say that I prefer Sense, but I am sure that I could get by with stock Android.
Do you worry about having all of your information in the Google ecosytem?
Obviously not. I'm not sure why I would worry about this? What makes having things in Google any worse than syncing with Microsoft's MyPhone, Apple's MobileMe, or even my cable ISP? They surely know a lot more about me than even Google, if they care to keep track.
If you could fix one thing about Android, what would it be?
I'd support multi-touch in all apps. Or have a centralized location for Notification settings, rather than have each app have its own notification settings.