Android Tablet Apps


Active member
Nov 11, 2010
First off, I'd like to say hi and I hope all of you are doing well. I come to you in request for some support as well as an offering that some of you should be able to benefit from.

I've been working hard as possible to produce a website for Android tablet users, which is 100% free of charge. No catches, no gimmicks, no nothing. Before anyone flips out thinking I am advertising, consider this: I could have dropped a link and left. But I didn't I'm here, explaining my cause, and letting you know that there is a wonderful resource that you did not know about, and should enjoy!

Anyways, the website is (and I won't even link it here! unless a mod says I can) and its sole purpose is to become the internet's largest database of applications that are specifically designed to work on Android tablets. This website will benefit each and every one of you who own an Android tablet because you won't have to sort through hundreds of non-tablet-optimized applications to find something good.

My request from any of you (and its ONLY a request), is that if any of you have, or know of, an application that is designed FOR an Android tablet, to please use the submission form located on my site so that I may add it? I am doing all of this work by hand and while I admit that it's painstakingly time consuming, I am enjoying myself while adding the applications because I am finding some really cool stuff so far.

I look forward to seeing some of you on the site. Pay it a visit, let me know what you think so far. Thanks!
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Active member
Nov 11, 2010
As a promotional offering for any application developer:

If you are a developer who has created an application that is written to run specifically on Android tablets, or is WELL optimized for Android tablets, please contact me using the form on my site to receive a 7-day free featured advertisement on my site. Mention AndroidCentral somewhere, please. The featured advertisement of your application will be found in the big slider at the top of the home page among other pages. This is limited to the first three developers who contact me, so act fast! Android Tablet Apps is already getting good traffic and I'd love to help some of you developers out a bit!


Well-known member
Nov 14, 2010
I like the UI and it has a great way to find apps. I just wish there were more tablet optimized apps :\ (not your fault)

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