Any students use the HDX for textbooks, if so, which size?


Well-known member
Feb 19, 2011
Now that they are starting to clearance the old hdx's I've been thinking about getting one to use for all of my textbooks. I currently have a 1st gen ipad mini and have been underwhelmed using it for textbooks. However, I'm not sure if this is strictly due to the screen size or if it is more related to the poor resolution.

Anywho, I'm wondering if any of you here have been using an hdx for reading textbooks and if you have any suggestions for screen size.
I used the 8.9 for all my books. It makes more sense because of graphs or tables plus you can highlight or add notes easier on the big screen. I bought a light rubber case for reading so it was more comfortable than an actual book.
Go for the bigger tablet, the reduced strain on your eyes and is more than worth the extra bucks. The more enabling you make the environment, the better you'll study.

Your issues with the mini probably are due to both the poor resolution (the next gen Minis are a lot better), AND the screen size. 8.9 inch is the minimum size really if you want to do whole page reading as opposed to zoom up. Some book reading software will allow you to tweak font sizes and types... experiment with those as well.
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