Anyone else come from iphone?


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2013
Wow, having been ios since 2007, I am loving the move to android.

I used S4 Google edition recently and loved it although iPhone 5S sucked me back in for a week.

I still think iPhone is a great product but seriously the additional screen size and notifications are so much better , Google now is great too.

I can see why stylus is so beneficial to a lot of people but for me I may not use it that much. Therefore I think I will stick with android but may get the nexus5. Is anyone else thinking of getting this device?
Will Apple ever make a 5inch iPhone?

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Well-known member
May 10, 2013
I Couldn't resist this phone. I had to pick one up. I had been going back and forth between my iPhone 5 and the Note 3 to see which one suits me better. I have finally Concluded after a few days that the Note 3 is the better choice for me. I will miss my iPhone 5 as it was a great device. But the Note 3 is just superb.

Sent from the baddest device on the planet, my Galaxy Note 3.


Well-known member
Sep 29, 2013
I've been using all iPhone's since 2G till 5. Great phone's, great OS. But it kinda bored me. They're always the same.
Now using the Note 3 without regret. It's a great phone. My iPhone 5 looks ridiculously small now


Well-known member
Sep 21, 2013
Moved from iPhone 5 to nexus then HTC one then S4 then Note 3. It kept getting better. I used to laugh at people who had Samsung previously now it's the other way around. This is the best device I have used so far. Apple is now playing catch up and making a hash of things. After Steves death they have lost the plot and iterating instead of coming up with revolutionary product. Don't think I will go back to iOS anytime soon. Samsung might not be the best looking device on there but functionality wise it's a beast with the screen, battery and performance.

Posted via Android Central App


Oct 8, 2013
Ive been a iphone user from day 1 until 4s but it was time for a change and I'll never go back, I really like my note 3. I still love my macbook pro and ipad tho.

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Well-known member
Jul 16, 2010
I had been debating between the iPhone 5s and the Note 3. I had read all the reviews, watched countless videos of the two phones, and browsed (mostly lurked) iMore, AndroidCentral, and XDA forums for any and all info.

What sealed the deal for me is the screen on the Note 3. It is fantastic. I had the iPhone 4 for a few years - a great phone that I was using and abusing up until 3 days ago. Nothing bad at all to say about that phone, I enjoyed every second of using it.

But I wanted, and to a point, needed a bigger screen. With the iPhone I would constantly be putting on my glasses to read twitter and browse the forums. I needed a bigger screen, I felt, for that very purpose. Also, with managing my fantasy hockey team, the screen on the iPhone is just too small to "enjoy" the CBSSPORTS site. So, I wanted a bigger screen for that.

I was kinda scared to go to Android (last Android was the DROID X). But Android has come a long way since then.

All the other goodies on the Note 3 are just icing on the cake, and the cake is the screen. It's epic.

Still getting used to the size. If anyone has an iPhone and you are considering jumping, I say go for it. You may find that the tradeoff in one handed use for the bigger screen is worth it. I believe that it is.

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Well-known member
Oct 2, 2013
Yup.. Hardcore apple fan. Still am, but I love my note 3. I don't think I'll going back to an iPhone. Still love my Mac though.

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Well-known member
Jun 15, 2010
Everything else I use is mainly Apple but tried the Note 2 and loved it. Went back to a iPhone 5 for some time but knew when they announced the Note 3 I was coming back to Android. iPhone 5c just wasn't enough to even get me to think about staying with the iPhone.

Droid Gator

Oct 7, 2013
I bought the Note 3 expecting to return it on day 14 and resume Apple life. Not only do I not miss my iPhone, I hardly use my iPad. I never expected to enjoy the Note 3 this much.

Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk now Free


Well-known member
Jun 15, 2010
I bought the Note 3 expecting to return it on day 14 and resume Apple life. Not only do I not miss my iPhone, I hardly use my iPad. I never expected to enjoy the Note 3 this much.

Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk now Free

It is amazing that once you get used to the size of the Note picking up an iPhone makes them seem SOOOO small.


Well-known member
May 10, 2013
It is amazing that once you get used to the size of the Note picking up an iPhone makes them seem SOOOO small.

The screen is amazing but you can't forget about the s-pen. That really says this phone apart from anything else.

Sent from the baddest device on the planet, my Galaxy Note 3.


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
Rabid Apple fan for over a decade.

Owned every iPhone through 4S.

When 5 came, and nothing revolutionary was announced for screen size, that was the end of my relationship. Went Android and have been enjoying larger screens and customizations that allow my phone to look different from anyone else's.

Apple really needs to reinvent themselves or start offering larger screens or they are going to continue losing business to people like us who switch to Samsung phones.


Well-known member
May 10, 2013
Rabid Apple fan for over a decade.

Owned every iPhone through 4S.

When 5 came, and nothing revolutionary was announced for screen size, that was the end of my relationship. Went Android and have been enjoying larger screens and customizations that allow my phone to look different from anyone else's.

Apple really needs to reinvent themselves or start offering larger screens or they are going to continue losing business to people like us who switch to Samsung phones.

I don't think they are losing business. And I believe that there are rumors of a bigger iPhone to be released next year.

Sent from the baddest device on the planet, my Galaxy Note 3.


Well-known member
Jun 11, 2012
I am coming from the iPhone 5s. Headed to best buy tonight to return the note 3 and go back to my iphone. Ios is just better for my personal needs. One day I hope apple has the balls to make a phone with a screen like this.


Dec 23, 2009
Apple really needs to reinvent themselves or start offering larger screens or they are going to continue losing business to people like us who switch to Samsung phones.

Continue losing business? More people are going from Android to iPhones than vice-versa. Plus. Apple's U.S. market share has been increasing for the past year, and Android's is falling.


Well-known member
Jan 11, 2011
Here is my issue. Just my opinion of course but apple can't come into the large phone space without a serious adjustment to attitude and rework of UI to better use that space with improved functionality. Functionality to me seems fundamental against what they preach.

Don't get me wrong. I think they could go bigger and directly compete with the one and the s4 but to go after the note segment is a bit out of reach. As it stands now if I saw a bigger iPhone next to a Note and looked at functionality I would be like wtf, why would I choose that.

Of course they could try to reinvent themselves but honestly if they were the functionality should first go into the iPad and then the phone.

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Well-known member
Apr 15, 2013
Left iPhone for the S4 when it was released. Made the switch to the N3 when it came out. I love android. To me it's better than iOS for what I use the phone for. I've already converted 7 iPhone users to Samsung in a little amount of time. They see all the stuff it can do and they want to switch.

Tappin From My N3


Dec 23, 2009
Here is my issue. Just my opinion of course but apple can't come into the large phone space without a serious adjustment to attitude and rework of UI to better use that space with improved functionality. Functionality to me seems fundamental against what they preach.

Don't get me wrong. I think they could go bigger and directly compete with the one and the s4 but to go after the note segment is a bit out of reach. As it stands now if I saw a bigger iPhone next to a Note and looked at functionality I would be like wtf, why would I choose that.

Of course they could try to reinvent themselves but honestly if they were the functionality should first go into the iPad and then the phone.

Posted via Android Central App

I really don't think that they will try to compete with the Note, as it is a small part of the market. But a 4.5-4.9-inch iPhone would convert a TON of Android users, IMHO.


Well-known member
Oct 14, 2013
Update: well things have changed. I went back to my Iphone 5 and here is why: first of all, the pictures were not very good after all, I zoomed in and it was grainy. Also, the call quality was not good at all. I had to have it on speaker phone every time I wanted to hear it. Between the build quality and the camera quality, I decided it's not for me. Iphone has always been tried and true. Yes, Android has some amazing things it can do, and sometimes its too much..... but at the end of the day....when it comes to the Jobs has said, it just works!! Adios Android folks. At least for now. :)

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