Anyone starting to have any doubts?

Air Force One

Well-known member
Jan 7, 2010
Now, don't flame me, I'm not bashing the Inspire. :p

Last 24 hours or so I'm starting to have small doubts. They go like this:

The Inspire is the same device as the Desire HD which launched 3-4 months ago, so we are dealing basically 3-4 month old tech...which in the world of Android is a long time.

That HTC may release the Pyramid on T-mobile, then turn around and release it on AT&T in three months. The Pyramid is rumored to have that qHD screen and dual core processor...and most likely a bigger battery, with the same size 4.3 in screen(qHD sure would look sweet at 4.3in)

That HTC may release a whole new device that will take advantage of AT&T's coming true 4G network(LTE)

I'm just wondering if it's smart to blow my upgrade wad on a device that may leave me salivating over other devices very soon.

I know some will say "there is ALWAYS something new coming", and I agree with this to an extent.....I'm just afraid something better may be coming sooner than usual.

My gut tells me this is basically going to be HTC's entry level device on AT&T and that a more feature rich device is coming around the corner. $99 is pretty great can you imagine what HTC can offer for $199??!! I bet it will be the AT&T version of the Pyramid.

Anyway I'm just thinking out loud....wondering if anyone else is getting cold feet?


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2011
Nah... I am not worried about "3-4 month old" tech. I've been using the iPhone 3GS which was released in the summer of 2009, and here it is... February of 2011. The phone is still as fast as the day I got it.

And you said it yourself. There is always something in the pipeline. I remember upgrading to my iPhone 3GS in December of 2009... and I KNEW... I knew 5-6 months later that Apple would announce a new iPhone. These are chances you take with technology.

Like this, for instance...

August, I bought a brand new, and I mean, it was JUST released to the market, video card... EVGA nVIDIA GTX 460 video card for $240. Less than 4 months later, nVIDIA releases the GTX 560 Ti for the SAME price.

You just can't predict these things.

If you keep thinking about waiting for the next, you're always going to have a tough time.

Why not pick up this phone, and in 18-24 months when you can upgrade again... imagine what will be out on AT&T then?

Air Force One

Well-known member
Jan 7, 2010
Nah... I am not worried about "3-4 month old" tech. I've been using the iPhone 3GS which was released in the summer of 2009, and here it is... February of 2011. The phone is still as fast as the day I got it.

And you said it yourself. There is always something in the pipeline. I remember upgrading to my iPhone 3GS in December of 2009... and I KNEW... I knew 5-6 months later that Apple would announce a new iPhone. These are chances you take with technology.

Like this, for instance...

August, I bought a brand new, and I mean, it was JUST released to the market, video card... EVGA nVIDIA GTX 460 video card for $240. Less than 4 months later, nVIDIA releases the GTX 560 Ti for the SAME price.

You just can't predict these things.

If you keep thinking about waiting for the next, you're always going to have a tough time.

Why not pick up this phone, and in 18-24 months when you can upgrade again... imagine what will be out on AT&T then?
You're right, everything you say is what the "other" part of me says....the part with the fever for buying a new device.:D

I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Inspire's form factor, I think it's one of the most beautiful Android device's out there.

I'll tell you what is killing it for me: it's that damn 1230Mah battery, and the inability to add an extended battery.

My Nexus One gave me fits with battery life until I bought a 3200Mah extended battery. I went from getting 10-12 hours of life(being careful how much I used it), to getting 30 hours(using it as much as I wanted).

Yeah I always charge when I sleep, but I'm a meth head so I don't always sleep...just kidding :D Seriously tho I sleep ~6 hours a night which means I would like 18 hours of battery life, with moderate to heavy use, and I just know the Inspire won't handle that...which ordinarily would be okay because I could add a bigger battery...but.....well, you know.

I'm probably going to go ahead and get the Inspire and 'test drive" it and see what the battery life is like and if I cannot live with it just return it before the return period ends.

I don't know. Maybe going back to carrying an extra battery with me wouldn't be so bad....I've really enjoyed the feeling of being freed from chargers and spare batteries since I got the 3200 extended battery tho.


Well-known member
Jul 18, 2010
No, I'm not worried about the newer and better phones coming out later this year. If you're always caught in that game, you're never going to be happy. I spent the last two years on an 8330 Blackberry Curve. It was considered an "old" phone when I got it. Yes, I got bored with it about year into it, and that's when I started to learn how to hack it. It was like having a brand new phone to play with again.

I'll be getting the Inspire in either late Feb or early March and fully expect to have it for two years. And considering how much more you can do with an android phone vs. a blackberry phone, I should be more than content to play with it for that long.

I am concerned about the battery life. So, I'm debating about getting a second battery for the Inspire or a portable charger for those times when I can't near an outlet. I'll trade a little inconvenience for a nice phone. :)

Air Force One

Well-known member
Jan 7, 2010
I am concerned about the battery life. So, I'm debating about getting a second battery for the Inspire or a portable charger for those times when I can't near an outlet. I'll trade a little inconvenience for a nice phone. :)
Ohy yeah coming from a Backberry you are going to LOVE Android. I came from a Blackberry Bold 9000 to the Nexus and was freaking thrilled. Not knocking BB, they have just fallen very far behind.

I did some looking and found this: BoxWave HTC Desire HD Desktop Cradle (With Spare Battery Charger): Cell Phones & Accessories

Problem is the reviewer who posted two days ago says boxwave does not have these anymore. I've got an email into boxwave to check and see if this is true. If any of you have any other solutions like this one please post it. :) I'll post back when I hear from boxwave.


Well-known member
Mar 17, 2010
Here's my 2 cents...

When I got my DInc on launch day, it was (and arguably still is) the most capable android on VZW. There were rumors of a Dual core HTC "Dropping Soon" about 2 weeks after I got it. Guess when that Dual core phone came out? It STILL hasn't. A year later my DInc is still as sexy as it was when I got it, and still just as fast and just as capable. I looked at the Droid X and the Droid 2 and the Droid Pro and didn't see anything that I wanted more. Point is, HTC phones have a way of keeping you happy by giving you a USER EXPERIENCE second to none. The only phone I have lusted after since buying my DInc was another HTC phone that is coming soon...


Well-known member
Nov 7, 2010
I too am worried about the battery life BUT, i charge my phone everynight. I always remember to charge my phone idk why. Aslong as i can get through like an 8 hour work day without it being a hassle then i am good. I do some occasional web surfing and do emails alot. Plus IM's. Text messaging as well but i dont feel like i do enough of it to bring down the battery. But when i am home i really dont use my iphone for websurfing. I use my laptop for that. so really aslong as i am unplugged for 8 hours i think i should be okay. any thoughts on that?

Air Force One

Well-known member
Jan 7, 2010
I too am worried about the battery life BUT, i charge my phone everynight. I always remember to charge my phone idk why. Aslong as i can get through like an 8 hour work day without it being a hassle then i am good. I do some occasional web surfing and do emails alot. Plus IM's. Text messaging as well but i dont feel like i do enough of it to bring down the battery. But when i am home i really dont use my iphone for websurfing. I use my laptop for that. so really aslong as i am unplugged for 8 hours i think i should be okay. any thoughts on that?
I think you make sense. I'm planning on a tablet myself so may very well be using my next device a lot less anyway. My main concern tho is idle time battery life. Nothing pisses me off more than putting my device down and not touching it for an hour and coming back and finding it drained 5%. If the Inspire can keep idle time battery drain to 1% an hour, I'd feel very good.


Well-known member
Jan 22, 2011
There will be extended batteries made for the Inspire after it's release. IMO, ALL smartphones will "drink" a battery dry in no time. It is getting better, but it's slow in turning around. In the next 10 years I see a new type of battery coming out to replace Li-ON batteries that will allow our smartphones, tablets, etc. to get 10, 20, even 30 hours on a single charge. These manufacturers see they get killed in reviews because of battery life. You can bet they are working on the replacement for the current crop of batteries that are smaller and produce more power than present batteries.:D:cool::D
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Well-known member
Jan 10, 2011
I guess we'll all find out in 8 days.

Each and everyone of us will use the phone in different and unique ways that will tax the system and battery on an individual basis.

I know plenty of HTC EVO 4G users who can get 1.5/2 days per charge on light usage. I also know plenty users who can hardly get 8 hours of it on heavy usage.


Well-known member
Dec 7, 2010
Not conditions that any human would use it. The Desire HD's battery life is atrocious, and this is the same phone.

Actually your incorrect there have been tweaks to the inspire and the reviewers are averaging 10-12 hours on moderate to heavy use


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2011
I get yearly upgrades, but I'm debating whether I should use my upgrade for the inspire, or pay full price for it. I might have to do it as an early upgrade anyway, so $300 vs $400 or $450, I'll pay full price.

As long as I get through the day with a charge, I'll be happy. If not, I'll trade it in for an Atrix when it come out in a few weeks.

Air Force One

Well-known member
Jan 7, 2010
I get yearly upgrades, but I'm debating whether I should use my upgrade for the inspire, or pay full price for it. I might have to do it as an early upgrade anyway, so $300 vs $400 or $450, I'll pay full price.

As long as I get through the day with a charge, I'll be happy. If not, I'll trade it in for an Atrix when it come out in a few weeks.
I know. I'd much rather pay full price than use my upgrade for this particular device...also wouldn't have to worry about some noob rep at the AT&T store screwing up my unlimited data.


Well-known member
Jul 18, 2010
Ohy yeah coming from a Backberry you are going to LOVE Android. I came from a Blackberry Bold 9000 to the Nexus and was freaking thrilled. Not knocking BB, they have just fallen very far behind.

I'm actually on an Android now. My early upgrade was in December, and since the Alltel/ATT transition had been moved back (again) I decided to go ahead and get the Wildfire. (Chose it because it was the least expensive Android Alltel offered, and I wasn't going to be paying a lot of money for a phone I'd use for only a few months.) It's not a high-end phone by any definition, but I am certainly having a blast with it! And it's made me even more anxious for a high-end phone. :)


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2010
we should also see if this might help. I found this for the Desire HD, but it might work in the Inspire.

[HLI-DesireHDSL] Buy Mugen Power 1300mAh Extended Battery for For HTC Desire HD / Softbank 001HT

it should also be noted that regardless, we will eventually see extended batteries pop up for the Inspire.

You are wrong:

That battery is only 70 mahs (5%) better than the one the phone comes with. In-fact, the phone will not except large form factor batteries because of the weird battery door on the back of the phone, is not able to be replaced.
(see pictures for explanation)