A Android Central Question Jan 11, 2018 #1 Is it normal for the AOD to not come on when I turn my S7 off at 4% battery? It came back on after I plugged it in.
Is it normal for the AOD to not come on when I turn my S7 off at 4% battery? It came back on after I plugged it in.
SpookDroid Ambassador Jul 14, 2011 19,580 956 113 Visit site Jan 11, 2018 #2 Some features are disabled when your phone hits 'critical battery' for obvious reasons; AOD is one of them. I believe the flash on your camera, for instance, will stop working if you hit 20% (or is it 15%? something like that).
Some features are disabled when your phone hits 'critical battery' for obvious reasons; AOD is one of them. I believe the flash on your camera, for instance, will stop working if you hit 20% (or is it 15%? something like that).