Browse music from top categories like Hip-Hop, Rap, R&B, EDM Afropop, Reggae music & mixtapes for FREE on the SelfMusik free music app. SelfMusik provides streaming and free download access to the newest and hottest tracks, right at your fingertips. Our free music streaming feature allows you to play your favourite songs & mixtapes online.
SelfMusik offers you the best on-demand and streaming experience personalized by you. Create unlimited playlist, follow your local artists, save and download any song, search for any local song, artist, genres such as Hip-hop, Country, Pop, EDM, Christian & Gospel, Alternatives and more...
The app contains a premium feature too. Below are the features of SelfMusik premium account.
-Unlimited skip and replay
-No Ads
-Unlimited download
-Percentage of SelfMusik Premium is paid to musicians.
Stream free music in background mode (audio only, no video) by simply turning off your phone. By streaming audio without video, you save valuable data. Finally, a free music app/music player capable of streaming unlimited free music and music videos.
Features of SelfMusik
• Find & stream music and mixtapes that are new or trending. Be the first of your friends to be up on what’s next.
• Download music, mixtapes or albums for offline, data-free listening.
• Unlimited listening & streaming - play as much Hip-Hop, Electronic, Reggae & mixtape music as you want.
• Favourite tracks, albums, mixtapes, and playlists and easily search, browse, and shuffle your favourites collection.
• Browse expertly curated playlists by mood, genre, and much more.
• Create unlimited playlists of your own.
SelfMusik offers you the best on-demand and streaming experience personalized by you. Create unlimited playlist, follow your local artists, save and download any song, search for any local song, artist, genres such as Hip-hop, Country, Pop, EDM, Christian & Gospel, Alternatives and more...
The app contains a premium feature too. Below are the features of SelfMusik premium account.
-Unlimited skip and replay
-No Ads
-Unlimited download
-Percentage of SelfMusik Premium is paid to musicians.
Stream free music in background mode (audio only, no video) by simply turning off your phone. By streaming audio without video, you save valuable data. Finally, a free music app/music player capable of streaming unlimited free music and music videos.
Features of SelfMusik
• Find & stream music and mixtapes that are new or trending. Be the first of your friends to be up on what’s next.
• Download music, mixtapes or albums for offline, data-free listening.
• Unlimited listening & streaming - play as much Hip-Hop, Electronic, Reggae & mixtape music as you want.
• Favourite tracks, albums, mixtapes, and playlists and easily search, browse, and shuffle your favourites collection.
• Browse expertly curated playlists by mood, genre, and much more.
• Create unlimited playlists of your own.
Install From Google Playstore
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