It was hard not to roll me eyes a bit when I read this article…not because of the premise which I think contains elements of truth, but for the qjuality of the supporting evidence. showing features coming in upcoming software releases? the event was showcasing for the first time apple’s new AI driven features for iOS. Did you expect they would all magically just arrive at once? Your timetable confirms that the vast majority are coming in the next 90 days. Reasonable. And the examples of industry innovation? yes, very cool work is being done with other form factors but you’re not exactly highlighting how those first gen examples have fared in the real world. Many are niche products with ultrahigh prices. Some were downright failures…and nobody has solved the folding screen yet. They’re still fragile, expensive and prone to imperfections at the bend point. Take any single company and compare it to the state of every other company and few will fare as well as Apple. it’s SOC design was a good 1-2 years ahead of everyone and android, for all its flexibility and features still struggles to deliver a unified and consistent experience that iPhone users take for granted.
That being said, the hardware upgrades of the last cycle or two HAVE been meh. how many genuine innovations remain in the current form factor? And doesn’t that suggest that we may be nearing the end of this chapter in iPhone development?