Asus Memopad FHD 10 LTE (severe battery drain).

Rick Garza

Dec 2, 2013
I received my memo 10 on the 20th of March. Thanks AT&T for taking 4 weeks to get it to me. :-\

From the get go I noticed a severe battery drain that.

When I got it I put the charger to it as instructed. I had an issue with the socket i plugged into. After charging it several hours of what I thought was charging I started it up and surprised that is was only at 34%. I then noticed the indicator was not showing it was charging. So I changed to the other socket on the outlet and the fixed that issue.

When it was fully charged I put it on wifi as to not use 4g and use up my data needlessly.

Before I go to bed I unplug it at 100% charge. I expect to wake in the morning to maybe a 1% drain. To my surprise I have lost 13% in less then 8 hours. At the rate it was sucking juice from the battery would be down to almost nothing in less than three days. The main culprit was Android OS.That certainly should not be happening.

I figured if I turned off the wifi and mobile data maybe I would see an improvement. I did. But, it still was sucking the battery like crazy. So I thought to myself ok, maybe airplane mode would help. In airplane mode the main battery drain switched from being Android OS to AT&T all access.

Even then I was still getting crazy battery drain while in sleep mode. I estimate in sleep mode I was up to it lasting 4 days. That is still awful.

As I want to be always connected either via Wifi or Mobile when there is no Wifi available I am thinking I might have to charge it at least once a day as it will fully discharge pretty much from the time I get up to the time I go to sleep.

I did buy this to use it after all.

I am at a loss of why the battery drain during sleep mode is so severe.

The next thing I am going to do is disable AT&T allaccess and see if that has any affect on the battery drain. I have already disabled it. When I go to bed tonight I will take it off the charger and see if that has any affect on the battery drain.

Problem is that app is there so I can keep track of my data usage. And I can walk around with it in airplane mode all day. That defeats the purpose of having it.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Oh. It's running Android 4.2.2 at the moment. I heard that there was an update to 4.3 but I have not gotten it. Perhaps AT&T has not pushed an OTA update for it yet.

Rick Garza

Dec 2, 2013

As I said earlier, I am experiencing severe battery drain even with Mobile Data and Wifi off. I imagine the battery drain is going to be more with one or the other on. For now I need to find what is draining my battery so much even when it is in airplane mode. Hoping it is AllAccess as I can disable it. If it ends up being Android OS I will be in a pickle.
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B. Diddy

Senior Ambassador
Mar 9, 2012
As I said earlier, I am experiencing severe battery drain even with Mobile Data and Wifi off.

Oh sorry, I missed that part. Still, check out the guide I linked. You might want to try turning off Location Reporting, as well as a few other things I mention there.

Rick Garza

Dec 2, 2013
I goofed and left Wifi one when I disabled AllAccess last night. Today I did a system restore to see if that would help. It's didn't I am going to turn AllAccess off again before I do to bed tonight in airplane mode and see the results. After that I guess I will just start disabling other apps that come with standard on the tablet to see if that helps. I installed a wake lock app before the restore but, I couldn't make sense of things. it should several apps that didn't show on the battery usage list.

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