Battery and reception between verizon lg g2 and the 2013 droid maxx questions


Well-known member
Aug 1, 2012
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Does anyone know if motorola could've made the x8 architecture using the snapdragon 800 or is the snapdragon s4 pro more efficient if so,
how does the g2 come close to the droid maxx in battery life with a smaller battery ,a bigger 1080p screen, while being lcd which uses more power, a quad core processor,and a skinned layer of android, Does anyone know if it could maybe be the snapdragon 800 is more efficient then the s4 pro.
Do you think the g2 could beat the maxx in the battery department if it ran stock android.

Also wouldnt it be nice to have the quick charge 2.0 on the droid maxx as my droid maxx takes i think around 3 hours and 40 minutes to charge from 1% with the stock charger if the g2 charges at around half the time of the maxx wouldnt that make up for it in the battery department.

now for the reception does anyone own both that can compare the dbm's i heard in some forums that the lg g2 has better radios then the droid im not sure if its the old droids they are talking about or the new droid maxx the 2 main reasons i bought the droid maxx was for battery life and reception i returned the note 3 due to being a little to big and the reception wasnt as good as my previous phone although i do miss having a sd card slot and a removable battery

it might seem as if i am more on the lg g2 side but i never owned it i just feel a little buyers remorse if the g2 is better in both departments while being cheaper in price can someone please help me understand this more sorry if its so long im trying to figure this all out without starting alot of different threads thanks :)


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2013
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I compared my G2 signal strength to a Moto X and a DROID Maxx yesterday at my local Verizon store. All three phones had pretty much identical strength using network signal info. I ran a speed test on the X and my G2 and the X did well but my G2 was about 15 mb/s faster on the download. I didn't try to make any calls to compare voice quality though.

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