I had 3 items Syncing turned on. Skype, Gmail and Facebook. Does Syncing take away from battery very much?
I disabled skype sync. Can I disable the facebook sync, and what would that take away?
I noticed that you can go into Settings -> Applications -> Running services. I closed the Skype service, because I didn't think I needed it running all the time. I tried to close Digital Clock, but it started again by itself. Should I be closing some of thes services to save battery? Media Hub and Social hub I do not use.
I disabled skype sync. Can I disable the facebook sync, and what would that take away?
I noticed that you can go into Settings -> Applications -> Running services. I closed the Skype service, because I didn't think I needed it running all the time. I tried to close Digital Clock, but it started again by itself. Should I be closing some of thes services to save battery? Media Hub and Social hub I do not use.