Best app for keeping track of college assignments


Oct 2, 2010
So I'm a college student and I want to use my Samsung Fascinate to help me keep track of all the assignments I have for different classes. So far I've just been using Astrid tasks and the calendar for it but now I'm wanting something a little more specialized that will let me put due dates and other info into it as well. I did a bit of searching and found CoursePro which seems to fit my needs but it hasn't been updated in awhile and some of the reviews complain about stability and missing features so I figured I would come here and see what you guys recommend.

I just need something to keep track of assignments, when they're due, what class its in, and some info on it. Having reminders would be nice but not necessary. So can any of you guys recommend anything? Or is CoursePro my best option? Thanks for any help you can give me.


Well-known member
Jun 27, 2010
I'm a college student too. I use coursepro to keep track of my assignments. I like it because I can set due dates and assign points to all of my assignments and tests. It keeps track of my grades as well. I also tried ClassBuddy. I ended up using Course Pro because it has more features and is easier to use.
In Course Pro, you can set notifications for when assignments are due. You can have it sound a tone, vibrate, or other things. You can set it for however long you want prior to when it's due.

You can download a free version that only lets you put in like 3 or 4 courses and see if you like it. I think there is a free version of ClassBuddy too if you want to compare them.


Active member
Feb 10, 2011
Just put Grades:Student Organizer on my Fascinate,$0.99. So far, so good, works great I like it. Can track assignments, grades, even do a weighted GPA.


Well-known member
Jun 21, 2010
I just use Google Calendars for tracking assignments. I create a different calendar (with very different colors) for each class and place my assignments on the appropriate calendar. It's nice to be able to turn calendars on/off on my PC so I can see one class at a time if I want. I also keep a printed version with all of the classes on my desk. I'm only taking 3 graduate classes, so it may be more difficult with more classes to use this method. I also use the CalWidget (in the market for free) on one of my homescreens so I can see at a glance what my classes look like for the next few days.

I don't track grades, so I'm not sure what the best app for that is.

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