Best Battery App!!! not rooted


Well-known member
Feb 18, 2011
Trying to figure out what the best battery app is.. I have been to the marketplace... and viewed a ton of apps.. but there is always that one or two or fifty comments that make me stop and think otherwise. I want to increase my battery life. I am NOT rooted... and am afraid to do so otherwise... I want to know what app is the best that will help me manage my battery so I can get at minimum.. a DAY of doing what I love!!! I will soon be getting an extended battery... but I want at least a day of playing around, playing agry birds, reading a book, etc.


Dirty Ders

Well-known member
Oct 19, 2010
I am not sure there are too many apps that will control the battery in the way you would want without rooting.

However, I do have some things to suggest that will surely increase your usage time.

Turn your Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and GPS off. Set your screen brightness to 0% and set your screen timeout to 1 minute or less. Then go to your battery manager and set it to custom, then change the custom settings to 15 minutes for both the peak and off-peak hours.

Don’t use task killers. You might think they will save your battery but they will actually cause some serious issues.

Dirty Ders

Well-known member
Oct 19, 2010
You should get the Motorola Extended Battery BH6X it’s a 1840/1930mAh battery that only adds one millimeter thickness to the phone. It lasts 25% longer than the stock battery.

With the settings above and this battery I can get a couple of days of my use out of the X. Which is a full 12 hours of active use.


Well-known member
Jan 16, 2011
makes me think. these are smartphones and batteries. until their technology advances theres not really a thing such as saving battery power just delaying the inevitable. even this gorillagadgets 3500 drains no matter what I do

Sent from the X of B


Well-known member
Feb 18, 2011
Thanks! I do keep bluetooth and GPS off most of the time... only turn them on when absolutely needed. Wifi I turn on only at home. I have the brightness set to just above 0, screen timeout to 1. Probably going today to get the extended battery. Already determined the vz stock one as I have an otterbox to fit it in.


Well-known member
Mar 2, 2011
I was reading somewhere that If your at home or work, and can use WiFi.. that it uses less battery then if you were using the 3g network. But if your not in a hotspot then it uses more to search out a wifi network.

I am with you, I just got the phone a week ago, and because of the heavy use the battery has been going dead 3/4 of the way through my day. But If I would just put it down and get some work done I think it would last a day.


Well-known member
Aug 29, 2010
I am with you, I just got the phone a week ago, and because of the heavy use the battery has been going dead 3/4 of the way through my day. But If I would just put it down and get some work done I think it would last a day.

New phone syndrome. You've just got to stop constantly playing with the new toy.


Nov 21, 2010
I highly recommend JuiceDefender (management) and BatteryETA (estimate of remaining life)

Dirty Ders

Well-known member
Oct 19, 2010
If you look at your battery consumption, it will show that your screen consumes the most power in comparison to anything else. To check your battery usage stats just go to settings>battery manager>touch the battery picture.

I was reading somewhere that If your at home or work, and can use WiFi.. that it uses less battery then if you were using the 3g network. But if your not in a hotspot then it uses more to search out a wifi network.

I concur, having Wi-Fi on when not needed or especially when it is not available is a drain on the battery but using Wi-Fi when it is available uses less energy than 3G. So just make sure you turn it off before you start wandering around the city.

If you want to have easy one touch control over certain aspects of your phone, then you could look into "curvefish" widgets. They are simple little icons that you can touch to turn off and on Wi-Fi, GPS, Bluetooth, volume, screen brightness, and many other things. I have my entire far left screen dedicated to all my toggle widgets. Battery saving apps do the same thing as those widgets but you might run into some issues with the automation those apps offer. I would suggest just to stear clear of ALL task killer apps.
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Well-known member
Mar 2, 2011
New phone syndrome. You've just got to stop constantly playing with the new toy.

Exactly! I am already seeming much better life now that I stopped playing with it all the time. Normally I'm really not a heavy user so I'm sure this phone will be just right.


Well-known member
Sep 13, 2010
Haven't checked those widgets, but the QuickSettings app offers what I think is the same functionality you're describing.

If you look at your battery consumption, it will show that your screen consumes the most power in comparison to anything else. To check your battery usage stats just go to settings>battery manager>touch the battery picture.

I concur, having Wi-Fi on when not needed or especially when it is not available is a drain on the battery but using Wi-Fi when it is available uses less energy than 3G. So just make sure you turn it off before you start wandering around the city.

If you want to have easy one touch control over certain aspects of your phone, then you could look into "curvefish" widgets. They are simple little icons that you can touch to turn off and on Wi-Fi, GPS, Bluetooth, volume, screen brightness, and many other things. I have my entire far left screen dedicated to all my toggle widgets. Battery saving apps do the same thing as those widgets but you might run into some issues with the automation those apps offer. I would suggest just to stear clear of ALL task killer apps.

Dirty Ders

Well-known member
Oct 19, 2010
Haven't checked those widgets, but the QuickSettings app offers what I think is the same functionality you're describing.

I just checked out that app and it looks good, does everything you need it to do for quick changes of your settings. It doesn't look like it has any automated settings which is a good thing, its the automated apps that people should be weary of.


Jul 25, 2010
Since the Froyo update 2.3.340, I've had terrific battery life - staying at or around 60 percent even after a busy day. I use a couple widgets to watch battery level ...

Circle Battery Widget - incredibly customizable; has actual battery life in 1 percent increments. Few if any others do more than 10 percent increments.

Battery (that's the name of the widget) - has a variety of skins that I think are really cool. I especially like the one called Tesla Coil.

I follow all the recommendations above, keeping the screen at the min. brightness most of the time and automatic when I'm in and out of the sun. And, yes, being new to the X is such an exciting experience, it's hard to put it down ... even after 8 months! Check out the thread that has screen shots (how owners customize their home screens). You will see all kinds of cool widgets and incredibly creative designs. Lots of ideas there!
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Well-known member
Jul 29, 2010
I would also recommend Juice Defender and Screebl. Screebl is great because I can set my time out to 15 seconds and depending on how I'm holding the phone, the system will know I'm using it. Once I set it down, the screen goes off. Check them both out.

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