Given you have contacts with Gmail (personal) and contacts with Outlook (work), I'd recommend you don't try to merge the two. The Contacts app on your Pixel is able to sync with multiple accounts but it won't be able cleanly and seamlessly make the user interface you interact with very useful. (... well unless your situation is a matter where both your personal life and work life are tightly intermingled.)
Do you have your Gmail email and Outlook email merged in whichever email app you're using? Or do you have both the Gmail app and Outlook app installed?
It might be cleaner to just keep your Gmail contacts tied to the Contacts app and your Outlook contacts tied to the Outlook app.
But if you do want to have both your Gmail and Outlook contacts merged in the Contacts app on your Pixel, there isn't a quick, simple fix that you're seeking. It's going to be a project you need to put some effort into setting up. Conceptually, you need to take into consideration how the background process with Contacts work so you can set things up on your Pixel to suit your needs. Basically, your online Google account and your MS Outlook account are the primary, central storage for your contacts. It's Google servers and Microsoft servers that manage and maintain your contact data. The Contacts app on your Pixel is essentially just an easy way for you to interact with your contacts, the app is fed the data you see from those online servers. It's just a common server - client situation, and that's where the syncing is a vital part of the process. You need to pick which is the primary and which is secondary (Gmail or Outlook) for your contacts, and then manually weed out/combine/alter the individual contact entry/people in both lists, and then set up both your Gmail and your Outlook services accordingly so you have a single, merged contacts listing to feed your Pixel's Contacts app with. That's a daunting project and why I suggest using the Contacts app for your Gmail contacts and the Outlook app for your Outlook contacts.