Seems like best buy will be it for $477. Not sure how good of a deal is this. I still have that Tab S2 8 inches. I like the smaller size, too bad they don't make the smaller size with S3
Excuse me as I sneak in. Best Buy & Amazon lowered their prices of the Tab S3 on the 17th. ($479.99 - 32 GB.) dropped the price on the 19th to 479.99. I think Sams Club (online only) has it also at the same price. Best Buy also dropped 120.00 off the price of the 128 GB model to $579.99. I'd be surprised to see it drop more. You would think it would be in the ad, if it was.
Ah, I see. I did see that $479.99 price for the 32 GB model. Now I don't feel so bad, it's not worth the hassle to try to get the $20 back on my 128 GB model.