Anyone find a good mount for the note 2 for a bicycle. Any recommendation is greatly appreciated.
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Sent from my SCH-I605 using Android Central Forums
i hear you but i had this Minoura Japan ? iH-100 LOVED it but its too small to hold the note.
My biggest concern with mounting my phone is it falling off, obviously! So, when I came across the Quadlock, it looked promising! I am going to order it and an Otterbox Defender case for my Note 2 and give it a shot.
The only downside is that they have really tailored this product towards iPhone users, so you have to use a universal mount on the outside of a case to use their mount. So, I would recommend buying a dedicated case for your riding. The otterbox defender should cut down on the dirt and crap getting on/in your phone if you plan mtn biking. The big upside is that you can move the mount to different bikes, if you have multiple rides, like I do. It uses the same mounting type as my NiteRider light that I use for night riding, and it has never fallen off my bike. The rubber bands will eventually wear out, but Nite Rider sent me free ones (didn't even have to pay postage) when they did, and assuming Quadlock stays in business, they should do the same or for a nominal fee (S&H?).
Anyway, I will post again after a couple of rides to let everyone know how it worked out, but I thought I would at least throw this out there if some other people wanted to take the plunge!
Happy riding!
iPhone Bike Mount | Quad Lock - iPhone Bike Mount