I get the feeling Samsung is okay with their lackluster photo quality. It's the biggest crock of crap I've ever seen. They have what seems to be the best hardware. I remember for the s9 they said camera reimagined or redesigned. It was a big bunch of garbage. Dual aperture that really didn't do much at all. Facial smoothing has been an issue on the Galaxy series since it's inception. Why the heck would they fix it now? It's almost like they like their smoothed over images. It's really interesting because when the front-facing camera on a Samsung does not recognize your face as a face it makes pretty good detail in the photo. However as soon as it recognizes your face as being a face it smooths the hell out of it making a mess of the photo. If you wanted to take a picture of a pimple on your face or an ingrown hair with the front-facing camera you would not be able to do so on a Samsung device because it will smooth the heck out of your photo...same with the rear facing camera on a Samsung as soon as it recognizes a face it messes up the photo making you look like an oil painting. That's not art Samsung. My face is art give it to me as I see it in the mirror. Not as you want to see my face.wtf