Can I generate email and messages with a Asus Zenwatch2 with my Galaxy S5 on and within range?


AC Question

can i generate email and messages with a asus zenwatch2 with my galaxy s5 on and within range?

i'm thinking about buying the zenwatch but want to be sure

B. Diddy

Senior Ambassador
Mar 9, 2012
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Re: can i generate email and messages with a asus zenwatch2 with my galaxy s5 on and within range?

Welcome to Android Central! Yes, by using OK Google. Look at page 30 of the original Zenwatch Manual: file:///home/chronos/u-0b2ca3dd57b140d4f18e60753f6911010a5a461b/Downloads/E-Manual_e9643_w1500qa_em.pdf. The Zenwatch 2 is essentially the same, so the functions will be the same.