Can anyone please help me get this Droid sound off my phone when it boots up? Each morning I turn my phone on and I have to hear that stupid droid sound I've grown sick of it! Help!
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Lol. If you put your phone on silent before you turn it off and back on it won't make the droid sound. I mean you are the one who bought the "Droid RAZR M". All the Droidness comes with it.
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Yeah, I guess but, most phones let you personalize and do away with what you want. I was talked into getting this phone, I miss my LG.
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You can't personalize a boot up sound though. No phone allows that.
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By "personalize", I understood him to mean turn it off.
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He meant the boot up sound it does. Which can't be changed.
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I thought it could be turned off by placing phone on silent and the powering down and then powering up....
And that's my problem, I don't really want to silence my phone nightly for some stupid sound I don't like to hear, I want to get rid of that noise. Just because something was in style a few years ago doesn't mean we want to hear it forever. You can keep the stupid boot up screen just allow me to rid my phone of something I don't like. That's all.
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