Can you use the S8 as a infra red remote control


Active member
Aug 22, 2014
I have got conflicting answers to this - can you use the S8 as a remote TV control if it's one with a infra red remote control?

If so what app should I use?
I have got conflicting answers to this - can you use the S8 as a remote TV control if it's one with a infra red remote control?

If so what app should I use?
There is no IR blaster so I don't see how anyone could use it as a remote in that regard. I tried the xfinity remote that works via wifi and it kind of sucked. I wish they hadn't ditched the IR blaster with the S7 models but there are hardly any phones with an IR blaster now.
I have an S8+ and it's true there's no IR for controlling TVs. That's one of the reasons I've held onto my S6.
You may be able to control your tv by downloading an tv remote app and using your wi-fi to control it. I cs5do this with my LG tv by using LG's remote control app.
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I still have my S6 but it got dropped & now it has black screen of death.
Everything is working as I can hear chirps & beeps & led notifications. But I loved the fact it had an ir blaster

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