I solved my cerebus problem and it is now working great. I did a few things so I'm not sure which exactly cured it.
I went into accounts> google and cleared out the cache. I don't know if it helped but I did it.
Edit: I'm just leaving this solution in the post. My girlfriends phone had the exact same problem, and I only performed this step which did solve the problem.
When I logged into my cerebus account, I noticed I had 3 devices listed when there should only be 2. Originally when I added my Note3 to the devices list I renamed it with the rename option on the dashboard. I figured in a time of crisis if I had 5 devices in the account it would be nice to recognize which one I was trying to log into by name rather than long numbers. I had renamed mine "Jim's note 3" but the N900 123456 type number was listed as a separate account. The account that was listed only by the device numbers worked fine. I deleted the renamed account "jims note 3" and the numbered account continued to work fine. I then renamed the numbered only account to "jim's note 3 and it still works fine. I did install the android device manager and will keep it as a secondary should cerebus ever have a problem, the ability to locate the phone is too important not to have a backup way to do it. I hope this helps anyone else that may have had a similar problem.