I need to get a dumb phone to put on a Verizon line so I can remove data. What can I buy, cheap, at a store? I have no idea what works. Thanks!
There are no cheap post paid ones in stores. You can get one on ebay or amazon or whatever used.
There are no cheap post paid ones in stores. You can get one on ebay or amazon or whatever used.
I should have clarified when I said cheap, I was referring to $20ish. I checked my old Vx8100 and it is in that price range used. Not that I would recommend that phone for usage today but if all the op wants to do is to get a dumb phone to remove a data charge then that would work fine.This is inaccurate. Verizon has a very small section in store with about 3 flip phones to choose from. They're all around $100
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