Compensation for inconvenience (UK)?


Active member
Feb 13, 2015
Hi all,
I've heard that people outside the UK are getting some sort of compensation for the recall issue.
I bought mine through Samsung Store directly and am dealing with their recall process but no one has mentioned anything about any sort of kick back.
I saw someone is getting a Samsung Note 7 starter kit for their pre order. Does anyone know if we will get anything?


Well-known member
Dec 27, 2012
Hi all,
I've heard that people outside the UK are getting some sort of compensation for the recall issue.
I bought mine through Samsung Store directly and am dealing with their recall process but no one has mentioned anything about any sort of kick back.
I saw someone is getting a Samsung Note 7 starter kit for their pre order. Does anyone know if we will get anything?

Why don't you just ask the people you are dealing with via the Samsung Store?
I am sure it's different in every situation and Country


Active member
Feb 13, 2015
I have and they know nothing about anything.
When I registered my phone with Samsung they said that there would be something up front but now the exchange people aren't saying anything.
It's a little unfair if others are getting gear vr's and gear fit 2's and we get nothing even though we paid £40 more than people buying from cpw


Well-known member
Dec 27, 2012
I have and they know nothing about anything.
When I registered my phone with Samsung they said that there would be something up front but now the exchange people aren't saying anything.
It's a little unfair if others are getting gear vr's and gear fit 2's and we get nothing even though we paid £40 more than people buying from cpw

Don't feel too bad, Samsung Canada didn't even want to do a recall


Well-known member
Mar 3, 2016
Don't feel too bad, Samsung Canada didn't even want to do a recall

Samsung Canada gave an apology letter and a list of addresses to places you can drive to in order to drop off your old note 7, couldn't even give you a pre paid shipping label...


Active member
Feb 13, 2015
Samsung Canada gave an apology letter and a list of addresses to places you can drive to in order to drop off your old note 7, couldn't even give you a pre paid shipping label...

LOL, fair enough, it just feels like a bit of a rip off that one buys from Samsung and they get charged £40 more than someone who buys from CPW and now they also get a credit whereas we get f all...
I've emailed asking if they can do a deal on the note 7 starter pack but not heard anything yet...
Will keep you informed but if anyone has had any luck then please do post!!


Active member
Feb 13, 2015
LOL, fair enough, it just feels like a bit of a rip off that one buys from Samsung and they get charged £40 more than someone who buys from CPW and now they also get a credit whereas we get f all...
I've emailed asking if they can do a deal on the note 7 starter pack but not heard anything yet...
Will keep you informed but if anyone has had any luck then please do post!!

So with regards to the deal on the note 7 starter pack for the inconvenience of having to wait 3 weeks without a phone, it was a great big no!
They couldn't even think about reducing the price however the guy said that should Samsung decide to make a gesture of goodwill, it will be after the note 7 recall has taken place..
Yeh.. I'll believe it when I see it!
As far as he was concerned, I had my gear vr when I pre ordered so that should be enough compensation.


Active member
Jan 13, 2013
I asked Samsung and they just said any compensation in the USA has come through carriers/vendors and not them. If we want compensation it's between us and our retailers! Like that's gonna happen!