Confirmed, we have the worst still camera...


Well-known member
Apr 4, 2011

I almost never use the 3D. For me it isn't worth the compromise. I have no regrets though, it takes decent daylight shots. Nighttime? Forget about it. Will def be upgrading next year though, this is my day to day camera.
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Mar 23, 2011

I almost never use the 3D. For me it isn't worth the compromise. I have no regrets though, it takes decent daylight shots. Nighttime? Forget about it. Will def be upgrading next year though, this is my day to day camera.

No, we have the worst AUTO settings on a phone.

Set your own ISO depending on the light conditions.
Set your own white balance.

You'll be amazed at the difference.

Hopefully a software update will fix the 3D's AUTO settings, since it's not a hardware issue at all.


Well-known member
Feb 3, 2011
I use my camera constantly. Took some great shots while tailgating yesterday. Adjusting the settings really does work.
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Well-known member
Apr 4, 2011
No, we have the worst AUTO settings on a phone.

Set your own ISO depending on the light conditions.
Set your own white balance.

You'll be amazed at the difference.

Hopefully a software update will fix the 3D's AUTO settings, since it's not a hardware issue at all.

Perhaps, but who has time to configure a cell phone camera for every shot and situation?


Well-known member
Feb 3, 2011
You don't have to adjust for every single shot, just change default settings. It really isn't that difficult but to each his own.


Well-known member
May 9, 2010
Perhaps, but who has time to configure a cell phone camera for every shot and situation?

A cell phone camera, point and shoot, you shouldn't have to do regular configurations.
The camera sucks. It's best attribute is it's day light, but the Photon beats it in that area.
I hope a software update improves its performance.


Well-known member
Jul 13, 2011
You don't have to adjust for every single shot, just change default settings. It really isn't that difficult but to each his own.

I've posted it quite a few times already, but yes, you should not have to change the settings too much at all. just the ISO and/or white balace if needed. that's it. not for "every shot", but just change it if needed.

no camera, not even a $500 digi point & shoot will take great pictures if you never change the ISO and/or the white balance. I'll even go so far to say that if you don't edit your photos with a good program like lightroom or photoshop, then your pictures stink and you have no idea that they do. not editing your photos, even from a camera phone, means that your white balance and quite a few other things are "off".

but good cameras have settings other then "auto" for a reason. it is to get the shot that you "wanted" and not what you will get. I agree that the "auto" setting on the 3D is "poor". but the camera once taken off that setting and you get awesome results (well, awesome for a camera phone). I mean just look at the picture taken with a SGS2 from a bestbuy employer that was left in the phone and then sold as new. while the photo lost a lot of image quality from being posted on this site, it still was no better then what you can do with the evo3d...and it's suposed to be a far better camera.

sometimes I wonder, can you even make a better camera for people who will never even take the time to be a better photographer? (just something to think about)


Well-known member
Apr 4, 2011
I've posted it quite a few times already, but yes, you should not have to change the settings too much at all. just the ISO and/or white balace if needed. that's it. not for "every shot", but just change it if needed.

no camera, not even a $500 digi point & shoot will take great pictures if you never change the ISO and/or the white balance. I'll even go so far to say that if you don't edit your photos with a good program like lightroom or photoshop, then your pictures stink and you have no idea that they do. not editing your photos, even from a camera phone, means that your white balance and quite a few other things are "off".

but good cameras have settings other then "auto" for a reason. it is to get the shot that you "wanted" and not what you will get. I agree that the "auto" setting on the 3D is "poor". but the camera once taken off that setting and you get awesome results (well, awesome for a camera phone). I mean just look at the picture taken with a SGS2 from a bestbuy employer that was left in the phone and then sold as new. while the photo lost a lot of image quality from being posted on this site, it still was no better then what you can do with the evo3d...and it's suposed to be a far better camera.

sometimes I wonder, can you even make a better camera for people who will never even take the time to be a better photographer? (just something to think about)

I understand that some people will rationalize anything and I get that. Settings blah friends year old epic 4g takes absolutely fantastic shots all the time in every situation. That's what I'm comparing it to. I'm not saying the EVO camera can't be tweaked to take great shots, I'm saying other cameras don't have to do that.


Well-known member
Jul 13, 2011
I understand that some people will rationalize anything and I get that. Settings blah friends year old epic 4g takes absolutely fantastic shots all the time in every situation. That's what I'm comparing it to. I'm not saying the EVO camera can't be tweaked to take great shots, I'm saying other cameras don't have to do that.

I have no dought that your friend's epic4g takes some great shots. but it clearly can't do well in all forms of light when set on auto. it might look "good", but I'll tell you right now that if you hand me his phone, I'll take a better shot once I change a few things. and most of my changes he will never have to undo once I set them. the same could be said with the 3D.
the only time you would have to then change a setting on the 3D is for extreems. like taking photos in bright light all day, then you want to take a quick pic of a night time city skyline many hours later. this is not the end of the world, and should even be done on your friend's phone if he wants a better photo then he'll get on auto.

again, I agree, that the "auto" setting on the 3D is poor. but it's not that bad. the good news is you'll almost never have to change the settings if you aply a few tweaks first. the ones you will change is almost always because of extreems.
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Well-known member
Jun 30, 2011
I'm a novice at picture taking...any recommendations for changes/tweaks that should make to the camera settings?


Well-known member
Jul 13, 2011
I'm a novice at picture taking...any recommendations for changes/tweaks that should make to the camera settings?

ISO: 200
exposure: 0 (if bright light outside, I may change it to -1, but I mostly leave this alone)
contrast: -1
saturation: 0 (I have played with +1 but feel it can be too much for most shots, and -1 is too little...YMMV for this or any setting as your camera and/or subject matter my be quite differnt then mine)
sharpness: +1
auto enhance: on (but I'm debating this, and not sure I'll keep it on)

white balance is for the most part all that I change. incandescent for indoors, daylight for outdoors. if using flash then you can leave it on auto.

I will use ISO 400 for low light without flash. ISO 800 for ultra low light without flash. keeping the ISO set to auto will cause the setting to use what I think is ISO200 in low light and then cause camera shake or motion blur from your subject due to too low of a shutter speed.

I know this sounds complicated, but again, I leave most settings alone and just fool around with white balance when needed and when set at ISO 200, you'll almost never have to change this unless you are taking a photo in low to ultra low lighting without a flash.


Well-known member
Feb 3, 2011
I wish I could post more of the pictures I took Sunday but I have to protect the privacy of my friends. I do have a couple I can share.

The first is of my friend climbing a box car (lol don't ask ;)) while a football is being thrown at him. You can see the football in mid-air. The second is of LP Field.

I use my camera to capture those spur of the moment shots that make life a fun ride. For me this is an excellent camera for what it is.


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Well-known member
Apr 4, 2011
Great shots wish I had the my touch 4g camera though. Funny, htc takes first and last place in still quality


Well-known member
Nov 9, 2010
Every picture I take, night or day i tap pic, go to effects, and hit auto enhance. The picture upgrades beautifully right before your eyes. Takes all but 5 seconds.



Well-known member
Jun 24, 2011
I understand that some people will rationalize anything and I get that. Settings blah friends year old epic 4g takes absolutely fantastic shots all the time in every situation. That's what I'm comparing it to. I'm not saying the EVO camera can't be tweaked to take great shots, I'm saying other cameras don't have to do that.

This is true! Shouldn't have to mess around with to many settings to get ok pictures. If it is indeed just a software issue then HTC needs to fix it....just saying.

Rocking the HTC EVO 3D

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