I've posted it quite a few times already, but yes, you should not have to change the settings too much at all. just the ISO and/or white balace if needed. that's it. not for "every shot", but just change it if needed.
no camera, not even a $500 digi point & shoot will take great pictures if you never change the ISO and/or the white balance. I'll even go so far to say that if you don't edit your photos with a good program like lightroom or photoshop, then your pictures stink and you have no idea that they do. not editing your photos, even from a camera phone, means that your white balance and quite a few other things are "off".
but good cameras have settings other then "auto" for a reason. it is to get the shot that you "wanted" and not what you will get. I agree that the "auto" setting on the 3D is "poor". but the camera once taken off that setting and you get awesome results (well, awesome for a camera phone). I mean just look at the picture taken with a SGS2 from a bestbuy employer that was left in the phone and then sold as new. while the photo lost a lot of image quality from being posted on this site, it still was no better then what you can do with the evo3d...and it's suposed to be a far better camera.
sometimes I wonder, can you even make a better camera for people who will never even take the time to be a better photographer? (just something to think about)