Congratulations to Member JorgeOlivera: You've won a Sena Ultraslim Case!!!

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Cory Streater

Well-known member
Sep 21, 2009
I have one (1) Ultraslim Sena Motorola Droid case to give to a lucky forum member.

The Ultraslim case is free of clips, clasps, and buckles. It?s made of high quality leather and fits the Droid perfectly without adding too much weight or thickness. The inside is lined with soft suede like material, and the stitching is of the highest quality. This case also includes a soft carrying bag that doubles as a cleaning cloth.

I will select one random post on Sunday February 21st that best descibes the following:

  1. Your profession and industry (student, sales, retail, software, etc).

  2. How often you visit Android Central and what you like best about it.

  3. How your Droid has made your days more productive and fun.

Good luck!


P.S. -- Winner must reside in the US.


Well-known member
Jan 26, 2010
I have one (1) Ultraslim Sena Motorola Droid case to give to a lucky forum member.

The Ultraslim case is free of clips, clasps, and buckles. It?s made of high quality leather and fits the Droid perfectly without adding too much weight or thickness. The inside is lined with soft suede like material, and the stitching is of the highest quality. This case also includes a soft carrying bag that doubles as a cleaning cloth.

I will select one random post on Sunday February 21st that best descibes the following:

  1. Your profession and industry (student, sales, retail, software, etc).
    Healthcare, soon to be student/healthcare or student in healthcare, if you choose.
  2. How often you visit Android Central and what you like best about it.
    Daily, though hourly is probably more accurate. I like the updates on coming phones, the non-clusterf**k of the forums when compared to others, and the useful info.
  3. How your Droid has made your days more productive and fun.
    It's been an effective replacement for a line of Blackberries, which is high praise in my eyes.

Good luck!


P.S. -- Winner must reside in the US.

Answers in blue, naturally. Good luck to all.


Well-known member
Nov 14, 2009
1. well i am in sales,for a fortune 50 company...but dont let that fool u, the reason they are
fortune 50 is cuz they dont pay crappola. lol.
2.i visit daily,i mean evryday,i am even on at work. i think if u checked when im on,i would prolly be right up there with da6 and what i like most is the excitment of what may come. what everyone is up to. i love the ppl here, freindly.
3.well,i was wrote up at work for using it. and i told them that i was checking google maps for the distance to a clients home. fun? its all about fun. the games, the excitment of what will come, we have come a long way baby.
thanks for ur time and for reading this slop....btw,if i dont win,it doesnt matter,i have won with this phone and this site....a lil ass kissin never hurt


Well-known member
Dec 15, 2009
1. I am a student
2. I visit at least once a day, mostly because of the size of the community, and the up-to-dated-ness (word?) of the forum when it comes to news.
3. The Droid is so much better than my RAZR. I'll leave it at that.


Well-known member
Nov 17, 2009
1. A Paralegal in the U.S. Army.

2. Visit about a dozen times a day. More as of late since i have been visiting the Hacking forums contemplating rooting.

3. The Droid has made everything better. Scheduling, with the included core apps and marketplace apps, is a snap. The social aspect, using Twitter and FB are also awesome, as I can keep up with the family and distant relatives who normally might get lost in the shuffle..

P.S. You had me at "free of clips..." I'm just saying. LOL


Well-known member
Nov 12, 2009
I am an X-ray technician in the Navy.
I visit this site daily without fail. I really appreciate how often it is updated. I know it is a lot of work, but it is nice to have a new story everytime I press the shortcut on my homescreen.
I am very forgetful, and am in charge of a lot. Having my calendar events right on the homescreen helps a lot, along win the sticky note widget. Android is way more fun than any of my previous devices, and more stable to boot.

Roy Aguilera

1) I am a medical director and HS basketball coach.
2) I am on here everyday.
3) The droid has cleared me of tons of stress caused by RIM. My hair is growing back, my pot belly is shrinking and my teeth are whiter. All thanks to the droid.


Well-known member
Nov 27, 2009
1). Law Enforcement.

2) I manage to get here almost everday. I get the RSS feed and read it all day as it comes. Not posting so much, but absorbing the info for sure. I love the camradery and the helpful people here. I'bve learned so much about my phone here, it's amazing, and this site helped me to even make the initial buying decision to get the phone in the first place.

3) The Droid has made a lot of things easier in my life.

Unlike my Blackberry, I don't want to slam it off the wall when it chokes on a website, since the Droid DOESN'T! (one of the few instances where the Droid "doesn't" I guess.

Unlike my Blackeberry, I never have to pull the battery, I dont have to anguish over memory leaks and seek new OS leaks all day long or freak on truncated emails while looping around in my OCD behavioral patterns.

I'm often away from a computer, and have time to kill. A properly functioning browser helps me to do research and get to sites I use to study for college classes I'm taking to finish my degree.

The GPS has helped me a thousand times. And, it's getting better. I'm in an area where if you don't have a good way to learn the little streets, you could be in trouble. The GPS saves me many times a day. I'm also in an area where there is a renowned hospital, and several universities that attract wordwide attention. A large population of foreign patients, workers, students and visitors, and everyone there is lost. People are CONSTANTLY asking me where "insert whatever here", and I find it while they are amazed my phone does voice searches. It's a blast... If it could print a map, I'd be perfect ;)

There's a ton of apps that just make life easy or just comfortable... I can't begin to name them all. I'm just a seriously a happy camper....


Well-known member
Nov 16, 2009
1. I am laid off stay at home dad, was a logistics manager for a non union electrical company.
2. I am on here every day, multiple times, so much that I have gotten myself into trouble with my wife.
3. The droid has changed my life. I use it for games, web(forums), games and organizing my kids crazy has gotten rid of my bb and improved just about every aspect of daily life.


Well-known member
Jan 24, 2010
1 Your profession and industry (student, sales, retail, software, etc).
I manage a staff of 20 people and work in online brand identity protection. I also dabble in SEO work and have done affiliate marketing work.

2 How often you visit Android Central and what you like best about it.
I visit several times a day between news posts and to check the forum for responses to various topics. I love the promptness of the news you guys post. It feels like this is the only site I really need to go to get my fix of Android news.

3 How your Droid has made your days more productive and fun.
Perfect device to gmail and gmail to device sync has made my life so much easier. Every person I communicate with is either via email or gchat so having it all integrated into one device has just been fantastic. Over my phone, I can now receive an e-mail requesting work, assign it, and let the employee know they are ready to go no matter where I am in the US. Not to mention how I love when work really gets me stressed out I can escape to a game of Homerun Baseball 3D or Robo Defense and forget about the troubles and just shut my brain down. I've owned blackberries, windows mobile pocketpc's and various other devices and no device has excelled in multimedia, e-mail and gaming like the Droid has for me in my time with it.


Well-known member
Nov 7, 2009
1) I am a firefighter/EMT

2) I visit Android Central so often that google chrome inputs this site even after I hit the first "w" in "www." I do not post very often but am on the site at least a dozen times a day. The thing I like best about it is that it is not such a huge community that there are so many off topic/junk threads and any question a poster has gets their question answered without being subjected to criticism for not already knowing the answer. Everybody here seems to want to further their/others Droid knowledge.

3) I don't even know where to begin on how my Droid has made my day more productive and fun. Having instant access to all of my email/text/IMs is a complete plus. It brings me instantly to all the info I could need on any correspondence. There are multiple apps that help me do my job better. The GPS is amazing and is able to help me get to an address I am unfamiliar with. Any thing I could think I want my Droid to do more than likely there is an app. The fun factor is off the charts. The WOW factor is the most fun for me. Every day I am discovering a new app that makes all my friends with iPhones or other phones jealous. I could go on but I think you get the point, just an all around awesome work/play phone.


Retired Super Moderator
Jan 15, 2010
  1. Your profession and industry (student, sales, retail, software, etc).
    I'm a student. (High school :rolleyes: Looking for a job)
  2. How often you visit Android Central and what you like best about it.
    I visit everyday on my free time. Absolutely love these forums. Love the whole small factor, and how everyone is kind and respectful, no matter who you are. Everyone gets along and welcomes you with open arms, keeping an open mind at the same time :)
  3. How your Droid has made your days more productive and fun.
    The Droid has made my life a lot better. Has allowed me to get back into the smartphone world and the browser allows me to access the internet efficiently, which is great since I no longer have access of it at home. The openess of the droid is just great, no matter what. I see it taking a huge climb up the mountain and taking it's rightful place above the dictatorship that we call Apple.


Well-known member
Oct 28, 2009
1. Active Duty Military: United States Marine Corps (Air Traffic Controller)
2. Daily. Hmph, hourly! I love AC!
3. I have a crazy work schedule and a lot of contacts. So my Droid keeps me on time at work and in touch with my fellow Devil Dogs.


Well-known member
Jan 13, 2010
1. I'm a junior in college studying Marketing and Japanese.
2. I'm on here at least once an hour if I'm at my computer.
3. My Droid is essentially my new best friend since I've found it. It does everything I want, and is customizable to no end, which is awesome. The GPS has helped me countless times, mostly because I'm hopeless with directions and get lost quite a bit.


Well-known member
Nov 17, 2009
1: I am a New Product Introduction Engineer (my company makes equipment that automates the process to make computer chips and flat panels)

2: I visit Android Central a minimum of 10 times a day just to see if any new tips or news that is out there. I also follow you on twitter as well as your sister sites in crackberry and the iphone blog What I enjoy the most about this site is there are great reviews, great rumors, and an answer to any question.

3: The Droid has made my work life more productive because coming from an iPhone, the notification system on the droid lets me know when I miss a call, email, text, etc... There are also great apps, one in particular is a free calculator app that converts decimal to hexadecimal which is a real lifesaver because I am converting node addresses all day. In my personal life the great web browser lets me price shop while in a store so I know I'm getting the best price. For fun you can just take your pick because its all fun.


Well-known member
Nov 9, 2009
1. Student/Part Time work in a Post Production office as an assistant.
2. Visit daily for the news page, and dabble into the forums as well. Great resource.
3. The Droid as change me in that allows me to NOT carry my laptop everywhere I go. I can access everything on my Droid without needing my Mac, that's great.


New member
Feb 9, 2010
1. I am a Technician in the cable industry and also a part-time student!

2. I visit Android Central at least 5 times a day!!! I love the updated news feeds and all the users constantly commenting on posts!! There is a ton of information on this site!!!!

3. My Droid is probably the funnest and most customizable device I have ever used!!! I don't know about productive since I am constantly searching the app catalog and updating Facebook from it while I am at work! It has definitely made my days more fun!!!! I am obsessed with my Droid!!:D


The bending unit
Nov 3, 2009
1) I'm USN Vet that works in Health care at my local V.A. center. I also help sponsor a PTSD talk group.

2) I visit A.C. multiple times on a daily basis. I love this site! Its always updated throughout the day, and chocked full of useful info in the Android world.

3) My Moto Droid helps me every day with all my life's needs.. and makes my day more productive. Unlike my BB 9530 Storm prior to it, I don't have any email, texting, web surfing, or basic phone call issues (I mean... c'mon, I don't know how many times I couldn't even make a basic frickin phone call, due to some faulty RIM software. Not being able to do a basic function such as making a phone call=epic fail).
I especially love the web browsing capabilities of my Droid. It's lightning fast!!

Plus... my wife is a tad bit jealous of my Droid. She says I pay more attention to it than I do to her (not really true, but then again.... ).
I do believe she is just jealous. Her Storm 2 just doesn't cut it for her after she started playing with my Droid.:)

I am located in Las Vegas, NV.
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Well-known member
Dec 30, 2009
1. Your profession and industry (student, sales, retail, software, etc).
I work in a group home where I assist developmentally disabled gentlemen with their daily activity.

2. How often you visit Android Central and what you like best about it.
I think I come here around 10+ times a day. I love participating in the wallpaper making threads. I enjoy helping people when I can and love getting friendly help and advice when I need it most.

3. How your Droid has made your days more productive and fun.
Though the Droid is the best phone I've ever owned in my opinion, it has totally ruined all of my productivity! LoL Which leads to me having fun waisting time doing stuff like reading and posting on message boards when I should be doing work!!!


Well-known member
Nov 21, 2009
1. System admin for a healthcare organization.

2. I visit several times a day(waiting for someone to announce the 2.1 update for the droid) and have started posting to help out some of the new android users.

3. My Droid rocks before it I had another touch screen phone and was about ready to drop down to a plain cell to save money but now I have my droid I dont think I can live without it.
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