Have any of you ever considered getting rid of your smart phone and its expensive data plan and going back to the simple life with a cheap prepaid clamshell or feature phone?
Have any of you ever considered getting rid of your smart phone and its expensive data plan and going back to the simple life with a cheap prepaid clamshell or feature phone?
That's my line of thought as well. We pay a lot of money for these devices but do we really need them? Hard to say.Maybe not prepaid, but 'Yes'. Once you've had it all for long enough, you're able to turn around and appreciate that the basics are the only truly important things about a device that fits in your pocket. The rest of it is infotainment, at best, and at a steep price for what you actually receive in "value".
Actually, I do use my smart phone as a smart phone...and then some.
But I also thought for years that I needed my cable TV because I watched it so much. I got rid of that about 5 years ago and don't miss it at all.
I'm 29. Where does that put me?