My only choice to go VC is with LG updater since ota says no update for me. It crashed out on recovery. It said there was no file to flash. I don't want the LG logo hang again. If it does I'll have to call sprint again.
How many times do you cold restart your phone? I'm just wondering if the whole LG logo thing bugs people simply because they know it's there, not because it actually impacts them.
I had to physically shut my phone off with the sole purpose of seeing if i had this problem after i saw people posting about it. I tested 2 or 3 times, had no problem, haven't cold booted my phone since.
Granted it's not ideal, but i'm genuinely curious how big of an impact this has on people? Also, from what i understand the issue only impacts on cold reboot, not reboot into recovery (to flash something), or reboot our of recovery (after flashing something), if i'm mistaken let me know.
I personally am bothered just because I know it is there...I don't like the unknown, and so far as I can tell, the cause of this bug is unknown. However, there is a real impact to this bug. In two weeks I'm going on a business trip that will involve extensive air travel. Because of this bug, I plan on putting my phone in airplane mode instead of turning it off. The alternative is to remember to put my charger in my carry-on and then make my boss's boss wait for me when we deplane while I plug in and do the whole remove-battery/plug-in/unplug/plug-in/get battery-warning/insert-battery/finally-boot-up procedure. Once we get to our destination, I have 8 hours of meetings and then probably some sort of dinner and drinks afterwards. I'm looking at 14 hours between charges. I'm assuming my phone can handle that, but I'd love to be able to turn it off without risking losing my phone for the entire trip.
Anyway, you are right that it's both not ideal and not that big of a deal, and it certainly is not enough of a problem for me to go back to ThundeROM 1.6.2 on v9, but I'd love to figure out a fix for it.
Yeah, it's going to suck, but the meetings are in New Orleans so I'm hoping it's worth it.Also, 8 hours of meetings?!?! Wow, I cringe when i see a 2 hour meeting hit my calendar, 8 hours would be terrible!
ccrs8 madri gras is over, the spring breakers are gone
I'm just wondering if the whole LG logo thing bugs people simply because they know it's there, not because it actually impacts them.
The only way I could past the hang was to leave battery out for 10-15 minutes, then I could get into recovery. I spent over an hour trying to get into recovery the other night. That is a BIG DEAL.
I never got the charging battery animation
I guess I will root, CWM recovery and get VD this weekend
LG Logo Brick/Hang (particularly after a VC update) possible fix(es) this works like a charm when stuck at the lg screen
I just have to decide whether I'm go back to running a rooted or unrooted phone.
VD closes the built-in wifi tethering loophole, so you'll need root if you wifi tether.
So no more push-of-a-button hotspot? Oh that sucks. I'm yet to find a tethering app that works
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