For those who have read reviews for Lollipop, but still haven't got it on their device, do you plan on updating, or you will stay with KitKat?
I will update on either my Note 4 or my Note Edge. ...prolly the 4 first. ...and even then I'll wait I while and see what kind of experience folks are having around these parts first. Like Synycalwon wrote, "If it ain't broke...." However, I have backup devices and I'm not sure when the Note 3 might get it. TBH, there still seems little I need from Lollipop except it's more-adequate handling of SD cards, which would be welcome. I'm sure TouchWiz will cover up the other little UI things I don't really care for anyways.
I plan to stay away from Lollipop when it's released for the Note 4 (OTA updater has been disabled) since it's rock solid on its original release of Kit Kat (4.4.4). If it ain't broke....
I'm content to wait for a newer version of Android when I get a new device (ex. Note 5 or 6).
I suppose that if everyone has good things to say about 5.1, I might consider it, since I usually prefer to keep my system up to date. However, to be honest, I've heard nothing so far about Lollipop that gives me any incentive to leave KitKat 4.4.4.
I will wait until a stable version of Lollipop is released.
How to disable OTA updater?
Thanks for posting that link!It doesn't, apparently it makes it even more annoying and complicated than what Google had managed to get it to. Have I mentioned I REALLY don't like Lollipop's new notification system?
Galaxy Note 4 Volume/Interruptions setup on Lollipop offers worst of both worlds | Android Central