Do you think a virtually bankrupt company can get better?


Dec 20, 2011
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This is a serious question. I really don't think that Sprint has the resources to deliver the network upgrades required to compete. Also consider the foolish deal with Sprint and Apple they have to still honor. So my question is, do you think that a company that is basically bankrupt have the resources to keep up with their network, pricing structure, phone support such as upgrades and all other customer service needs?? Keep in mind that not one of their flagship phones from last year been updated to ICS.


AC Moderator All-Star
Nov 25, 2010
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Nah I don't seem them as virtually bankrupt. They have money and resources, they just have to recover from having their heads turned the wrong direction.

Obviously they have money to invest and play with, they throw tons of cash at NASCAR being the face of NASCAR "Sprint Cup Series"..... I would love to see the bottom line of money that is spent funding NASCAR and all the promotions surrounding it and Sprint's involvement in the sport.

For what its worth...

Keep in mind that not one of their flagship phones from last year been updated to ICS.
The NS4G was updated to official ICS 4.0.4 recently and the NS4G was considered a big deal when Sprint released it being the only Nexus with 4g WIMAX support.


Dec 20, 2011
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Nah I don't seem them as virtually bankrupt. They have money and resources, they just have to recover from having their heads turned the wrong direction.

Obviously they have money to invest and play with, they throw tons of cash at NASCAR being the face of NASCAR "Sprint Cup Series"..... I would love to see the bottom line of money that is spent funding NASCAR and all the promotions surrounding it and Sprint's involvement in the sport.

For what its worth...

The NS4G was updated to official ICS 4.0.4 recently and the NS4G was considered a big deal when Sprint released it being the only Nexus with 4g WIMAX support.

Also take a look at their virtually non existent advertising. I mean they touted the OG EVO heavily and even the Palm Pre but I have yet to see a national ad about any of the new monster devices. I think they are really hurting for money.


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Oct 27, 2011
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There is a Sprint Samsung Galaxy SIII commercial surfacing. I've seen it six times in the last few days, and that's weird because I don't watch much tv.

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AC Moderator All-Star
Nov 25, 2010
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Maybe I just have the special channels then because I have seen the EVO commercial dozens of times and now the SGSIII commercial to.

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Jun 17, 2011
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Sprint is far from bankrupt. They have a lot of cash, but their profits continue to disappoint. Smartly, they are spending a lot of money to upgrade their network and turn things around.


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Dec 20, 2010
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I'm sure once network vision is complete you will see a lot more ads

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Well-known member
Oct 17, 2011
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Sprint is far from bankrupt. They have a lot of cash, but their profits continue to disappoint. Smartly, they are spending a lot of money to upgrade their network and turn things around.

Where do you get that Sprint has plenty of cash? They have had negative cash flow (not just negative profits) for the past four years. Last Fall they announced that they needed to raise cash to build their new LTE network. Eye On Sprint ? Sprint needs to get its own house in order to face its major challenges ahead
Simple Google search will find similar articles about Sprint's need for cash.

Sprint has committed $20+ billion to Apple, plus they have a lot invested in their old failed 4G network. Sprint has spent a lot of cash over the last several years to build a network that now will now be replaced with the newer LTE network.

On the positive side for Sprint is that in the last six months they have seen subscriber growth after years of losses. Hopefully this will continue and Sprint will be able to build a network that can compete in the years to come.


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Aug 2, 2010
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Sprint has had a rough couple of years, to be sure, but they're not as bad off as some of you are making them out to be. Running a loss isn't always the end of the world for a company, especially as company as large and powerful as Sprint. You have to remember that "Sprint" as a whole is much more than just a cell phone company. Even if the cellular part of the company has not been bringing in a profit, they probably have other parts of the company that are. At my last job, I worked in a (relatively) small division of a huge company and, even though we only accounted for about 5% of the total business, we were the division keeping the company in the black. Sometimes, it doesn't take much.

Sprint has committed $20+ billion to Apple, plus they have a lot invested in their old failed 4G network. Sprint has spent a lot of cash over the last several years to build a network that now will now be replaced with the newer LTE network.

I don't know that they "wasted" quite as much as you might think. The reason they were the "first" with a "4G" network is because they *didn't* build it. They partnered with Clear, a company that was already setting up a high-speed wireless communication network. I'm sure there was money involved in the deal, but not as much as is required to build your own network from the ground up. And part of the deal (I know people at Clear) is that Sprint was letting Clear use Sprint's towers to mount their equipment, so Sprint was probably making money off that part of the arrangement. It was a smart move, IMO. It gave them an edge at the time and, now that the LTE technology has come around, they're working to move to that. They were originally looking to partner with another company (similar to what they did with Clear) called LightSquared, but something happened and that fell through. So, now, they *are* building their own network. And they're taking the opportunity to upgrade the *entire* network. Not just add LTE. And it's not like none of the other "big 4" don't have network problems. Sprint is currently spending more than all the others combined on their network and, when they're done, they will likely have the best network in the country (or at least close to it).

And you have to remember that a company like Sprint "running a loss" isn't the same thing as if you broke your budget for the week. These guys have many millions stashed away in various forms that they can use to get capital. They've got some of the best phones on the market, decent plan prices, and truly unlimited data. Which will keep people like me on Sprint *forever* because I put about 12gB/month through my phone :) Their 3G network can be pretty slow at times (ok, most of the time) but there's light at the end of the tunnel and that's all most people need to know to be able to "stick it out". We know it will be better soon, and then Sprint will have some of the most attractive pricing and services in the country.

I wouldn't worry about Sprint's bank account too much.


Mar 1, 2012
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Nah I don't seem them as virtually bankrupt. They have money and resources, they just have to recover from having their heads turned the wrong direction.

Obviously they have money to invest and play with, they throw tons of cash at NASCAR being the face of NASCAR "Sprint Cup Series"..... I would love to see the bottom line of money that is spent funding NASCAR and all the promotions surrounding it and Sprint's involvement in the sport.

For what its worth...

The NS4G was updated to official ICS 4.0.4 recently and the NS4G was considered a big deal when Sprint released it being the only Nexus with 4g WIMAX support.

and my phone is the first cdma phone to get ics :beer:;). and to the op I've been seeing u bash sprint in a lot of forums and on behalf of sprint get wit it or get lost that lil 100 dollars a month u give sprint isn't gonna make sprint go outta business. sprint is going in the right direction speeds are increasing and some first rounders is reporting to have lte

Sent from my Nexus S 4g using Tapatalk 2

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