I'm on T Mobile prepaid if it makes a difference.
$60 Unlimited Plus plan.
Current data used 45.13 GB total.
Out of that 12.48 GB is mobile hot spot.
I've drove far enough to be on a different tower and get the same speeds.
Normal speed for my area on T Mobile prepaid averages 5 MBPS.
Current speed for the last few days or so has averaged .52-.60 MBPS.
Im 99 percent sure it isn't a tower issue, and they are data throttling.
I just don't know what else it could be.
Every time you test, for the 1st second speeds jump up to 3 MBPS and then instantly drop to .60 MBPS or under.
The settings on my phone are correct.
Resetting the connection doesn't change anything.
$60 Unlimited Plus plan.
Current data used 45.13 GB total.
Out of that 12.48 GB is mobile hot spot.
I've drove far enough to be on a different tower and get the same speeds.
Normal speed for my area on T Mobile prepaid averages 5 MBPS.
Current speed for the last few days or so has averaged .52-.60 MBPS.
Im 99 percent sure it isn't a tower issue, and they are data throttling.
I just don't know what else it could be.
Every time you test, for the 1st second speeds jump up to 3 MBPS and then instantly drop to .60 MBPS or under.
The settings on my phone are correct.
Resetting the connection doesn't change anything.