Epic not updating for Daylight Savings


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2010
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A few odd things I've noticed. In the clock settings, I'm ticked to automatically pull the time from the network. But, I notice that the greyed-out time zone is Central...I live in New York (Eastern). If I uncheck automatic time, I can manually set my time zone to Eastern, but as soon as I check automatic again, the time zone is switched back to Central.

I rebooted about an hour ago and the correct time was displayed. When I checked a short time later, however, the time was once again an hour behind. My wife's LG Rumor Touch (and also a Sprint phone) is showing the time an hour behind as well. Any idea what's going on?

edit: I realized the problem was most likely being caused by my Airvana. Once I rebooted the router it is connected to, the time on both phones was correct.
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Well-known member
Nov 23, 2010
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The same thing happened to me....You just saved me tons of time.Thank you for posting.
It started with my phone getting the same test message 30 times, from 2 separate #'s


Dec 9, 2010
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my phone time was working correctly, however i just did a wipe and fresh install of eb13 rooted w/ cwm3 and now am having the same issue.


Well-known member
Mar 1, 2011
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Count me in on this as well. I thought it was just the airwave in the house causing the issues, because as soon as I left the house and got on a good sprint signal it synced up just fine... to be fair though, my wife's Pixi did the same thing. So it makes me think its more of a network issue rather than a phone issue. :cool:


Well-known member
Dec 11, 2009
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Samething happened to me as well and was fixed by resetting my Airvana - like the OP. I just did the reset 10 min ago as a curious last resort and it worked.

I was out of town and my epic changed over perfectly - then when I got back into town - my Airave reconnected to my phone, I didn't notice the change until this morning. Oh well, got to sleep in :)

I don't know about you guys, but I wish they would get rid of this time change thing - such a PITA!