Ok, I got mad at Thorsten and BB last week and went out and got a note 2 but now am having serious with drawls. I don't want to get in to a android vs blackberry debate so lets leave all that at the door. Here is what I need serious help with.
1. A email client that I can easily manage. Has to be able to dump 6 email accounts in to one "inbox" and it would be seriously nice if I can manage it like I do with my BB. Meaning when I want to delete all my emails from a specific sender, I just hold my finger down on one of the emails in the list and a menu pops up with about 6 options, one that you can search by sender or subject. I do a search by sender and all my emails from them are then filtered in to a nice list where I can find what I want or delete the all of the emails from that sender. So if any of you ex BB users are out there and know what I mean and are looking for, PLEASE let me know of a decent app to handle my emails.
2. I also need a GOOD Business class calendar that I can schedule conference calls with and make them. With a Blackberry it's easy as heck. It gives you a nice pop up prior to the call and you can choose join/snooze/dismiss. I tried Mobile Day and it was embarrassing bad. I have a few conf calls that are right up against each other and the dang phone started talking to me about my next call while I was in my one before. Note only did I hear it but so did everyone else on my call. It also never did the passcode, I had to dial it by hand which just wont work for me. I need a good calender/conf app that will notify me of my next call but not everyone on the call I'm currently in. And of course one that will dial not only the bridge number but the pass code too.
These two issues are deal breakers for me, if I can't effectively manage my emails/calender/conf calls, then it's headed back to the store. As a side note, I'm not in to sharing my business or personal life with google, twitter, facebook and any other social media stuff. I don't sync with google calendars or share with "buddies". I need a tool, not a toy. Now I do love that I know have access to many cool apps and things I couldn't do on my blackberrys. The S Pen is incredible and I'm already using that a lot, wtg samsung, dang nice feature/tool. I'm not in to rooting, side loading apps or spending what precious free time I have hacking my phone or others. I just want it to do a business class job on my emails/calender/conferencing and I don't want to take this incredible piece of hardware back to the store but unless I can get it to do what a BB does right out of the box, well that's where it will end up, right back at the store.
Thanks in advance for any help!
1. A email client that I can easily manage. Has to be able to dump 6 email accounts in to one "inbox" and it would be seriously nice if I can manage it like I do with my BB. Meaning when I want to delete all my emails from a specific sender, I just hold my finger down on one of the emails in the list and a menu pops up with about 6 options, one that you can search by sender or subject. I do a search by sender and all my emails from them are then filtered in to a nice list where I can find what I want or delete the all of the emails from that sender. So if any of you ex BB users are out there and know what I mean and are looking for, PLEASE let me know of a decent app to handle my emails.
2. I also need a GOOD Business class calendar that I can schedule conference calls with and make them. With a Blackberry it's easy as heck. It gives you a nice pop up prior to the call and you can choose join/snooze/dismiss. I tried Mobile Day and it was embarrassing bad. I have a few conf calls that are right up against each other and the dang phone started talking to me about my next call while I was in my one before. Note only did I hear it but so did everyone else on my call. It also never did the passcode, I had to dial it by hand which just wont work for me. I need a good calender/conf app that will notify me of my next call but not everyone on the call I'm currently in. And of course one that will dial not only the bridge number but the pass code too.
These two issues are deal breakers for me, if I can't effectively manage my emails/calender/conf calls, then it's headed back to the store. As a side note, I'm not in to sharing my business or personal life with google, twitter, facebook and any other social media stuff. I don't sync with google calendars or share with "buddies". I need a tool, not a toy. Now I do love that I know have access to many cool apps and things I couldn't do on my blackberrys. The S Pen is incredible and I'm already using that a lot, wtg samsung, dang nice feature/tool. I'm not in to rooting, side loading apps or spending what precious free time I have hacking my phone or others. I just want it to do a business class job on my emails/calender/conferencing and I don't want to take this incredible piece of hardware back to the store but unless I can get it to do what a BB does right out of the box, well that's where it will end up, right back at the store.
Thanks in advance for any help!