Ex Blackberry user needs serious help!


Jan 31, 2013
Ok, I got mad at Thorsten and BB last week and went out and got a note 2 but now am having serious with drawls. I don't want to get in to a android vs blackberry debate so lets leave all that at the door. Here is what I need serious help with.

1. A email client that I can easily manage. Has to be able to dump 6 email accounts in to one "inbox" and it would be seriously nice if I can manage it like I do with my BB. Meaning when I want to delete all my emails from a specific sender, I just hold my finger down on one of the emails in the list and a menu pops up with about 6 options, one that you can search by sender or subject. I do a search by sender and all my emails from them are then filtered in to a nice list where I can find what I want or delete the all of the emails from that sender. So if any of you ex BB users are out there and know what I mean and are looking for, PLEASE let me know of a decent app to handle my emails.

2. I also need a GOOD Business class calendar that I can schedule conference calls with and make them. With a Blackberry it's easy as heck. It gives you a nice pop up prior to the call and you can choose join/snooze/dismiss. I tried Mobile Day and it was embarrassing bad. I have a few conf calls that are right up against each other and the dang phone started talking to me about my next call while I was in my one before. Note only did I hear it but so did everyone else on my call. It also never did the passcode, I had to dial it by hand which just wont work for me. I need a good calender/conf app that will notify me of my next call but not everyone on the call I'm currently in. And of course one that will dial not only the bridge number but the pass code too.

These two issues are deal breakers for me, if I can't effectively manage my emails/calender/conf calls, then it's headed back to the store. As a side note, I'm not in to sharing my business or personal life with google, twitter, facebook and any other social media stuff. I don't sync with google calendars or share with "buddies". I need a tool, not a toy. Now I do love that I know have access to many cool apps and things I couldn't do on my blackberrys. The S Pen is incredible and I'm already using that a lot, wtg samsung, dang nice feature/tool. I'm not in to rooting, side loading apps or spending what precious free time I have hacking my phone or others. I just want it to do a business class job on my emails/calender/conferencing and I don't want to take this incredible piece of hardware back to the store but unless I can get it to do what a BB does right out of the box, well that's where it will end up, right back at the store.

Thanks in advance for any help!


Well-known member
Sep 9, 2010
let's save EVERYONE a lot of time and grief. take it back. why do I say that? quite simple: read your own words, "unless I can get it to do what a BB does right out of the box...".


Well-known member
Dec 31, 2010
How are you asking for a calendar app and email client AND expecting it to work out of the box..? :/ There are tons of calendars out there to try out, the stock one is great, Business Calendar, MyCalendar, aCalendar, it also has a built in email client for corporate emails and other kinds. Just type calendar or email in the Google Play Store and see what comes up first or is most downloaded. That would be a good bet, but if you are really serious about the way you framed your question, I would just take back this incredible device..


Well-known member
Aug 31, 2010
I won't be like dave, Here is what I use.

For my email client I am using MailDroid. I have 4 accounts in the combined inbox. each has it own color. There is a free one in the Play Store. For my calender I use Pocket Informant. Have been even with my BB that I gave up years ago to move to the Android OS.


Well-known member
Sep 9, 2010
that's not "out of the box". hence MY previous comment based on the OP's requirements...


Active member
Nov 7, 2012
Not sure about the calendar, and really not sure about the Note 2 since I have a GS3, but on my phone you can sort the email list by date, sender, read/unread, attachments, priority or subject. The way it is done on the S3 is that while you are in the email app, press the dialog box at the bottom (not sure what to call it, on the S3 it is the button to the left of the middle button), then press sort by, in your example you would press sort by sender. The mail client will then sort them by sender with the name of the sender at the top of the list and from there you can check the box by their name to delete all of the emails from this person or you can pick and choose which ones to delete. This is using the default mail app that came with the S3. I aplogize in advance if this is not the way the Note 2 handles emails. As a side note, I too am a long time BB user and it does take some getting used to...


Well-known member
Aug 31, 2010
that's not "out of the box". hence MY previous comment baxsed on the OP's requirements...
Well like my granddady once told me some of the people you and help and the others are beyond help. Guess we cant help you.


Well-known member
Sep 9, 2010
dude, I'm not the one needing help (in this thread) . when I need help, I'll post a thread with a question, which I frequently due as little glitches come up from time to time. :)


Well-known member
Jan 4, 2012
Well like my granddady once told me some of the people you and help and the others are beyond help. Guess we cant help you.


Also, OP there are tons of email client and calendar apps on the Play Store. It's gonna take a bit of experimenting to see which one works best for you.


Jan 31, 2013
Again folks, lets not get in to a android vs bb debate. It's not what I'm here for. I've made the switch already. I think the note 2 is a incredible piece of hardware. Voice/speaker phone quality is the best I've ever experienced. The S Pen is a great tool. All the fun apps like Skype, Netflix, Hulu and Slingbox are all here and working great. Now I just need it to do what old BB's do right out of the box.....and NOOO I don't mean the note 2 is going to do it out of the box, I know it wont but I do figure there are apps out there that would do it just as well or not better. What I don't have time for is plowing through thousands of apps and testing them out. God bless all of you that do have time for it, I just don't. Aside from having small vid's of some of the apps, to me, the "play" store is not as nicely done as Blackberry World. I also don't want to be one of these ppl who carries two phones, been there done that. So I'm here looking to all you gurus and geeks to give me some heads up and point me in the right directions. Thank you to all that have made good suggestions, keep them coming and I will try em out. To the others who have nothing of value to contribute, I'll give you just what you deserve, indifference.


Well-known member
Dec 8, 2009
While I don't use my phone in a business sense at all, if you're looking for it to do what a blackberry does, your best bet msy be to return it and get an actual blackberry. You just may find yourself unhappy with what you have and possibly always frustrated because your bb did this and that, and either you can't do it or can't figure out how to on this phone.
If the bb worked the best for what you needed, then stock with what works for you. No harm or shame in that at all. Some of us like our toys...lol..just messing with you on that part.

Sent from my Galaxy Note 2 using Android Central Forums.


Jan 31, 2013
While I don't use my phone in a business sense at all, if you're looking for it to do what a blackberry does, your best bet msy be to return it and get an actual blackberry. You just may find yourself unhappy with what you have and possibly always frustrated because your bb did this and that, and either you can't do it or can't figure out how to on this phone.
If the bb worked the best for what you needed, then stock with what works for you. No harm or shame in that at all. Some of us like our toys...lol..just messing with you on that part.

Sent from my Galaxy Note 2 using Android Central Forums.

I think you might be right:( I'm finding that the majority of people that use these android devices use them as toys and not tools. That and the fact I don't think many of them have used a bb before, so they never knew how good it does these things right out of the box. I find it rather odd that so many in here are giving up at the challenge of helping me and suggesting I return to BB. Maybe this android craze is a paper tiger? Don't think so tho. I'd of put my new android phone back in the box 24 hours after I got if I had a spec of confidence BB had a future. They have a totally new OS and it's missing some of the things that made BB what it is...or was. I also have no desire to do business with a company that is striving to be #3. Another fact is I'd have to learn a whole new OS with BB10 and why make that investment in a company that's future and leadership is very much in question??? If I have to invest in a new OS (and by investing I mean my time in learning it and the money spent on apps, accessories), then I want to be with a company that is growing, striving to be number one and most importantly has a future. I'm more convinced than ever after BB's splat errr I mean launch last week that the company isn't going to make it. So no, I'm not giving up on this note 2 yet. I must admit tho, it feels like I went from college to kinder garden. Every time I get ready to throw it against the wall, I go make a call on it and enjoy the crystal clear perfect audio, I look at all the other "toy" stuff I can do on it and that big beautiful screen, then I relax take a deep breath, forget about it for a while. After I've recharged then I go back in to it trying to make it better. Right now, it's a serious love hate relationship. Parts of it I think are great, other things I go "you have to be kidding". I just wish some of these developers would of used a BB in a business sense before then started doing androids. Man if I could have all of what samsung and android offered along with the business tool sense and security of a bb.....it would be a perfect world;)


Trusted Member
Dec 13, 2010
It is going to be different and the best way is to dive in. Take the plunge. You can also meet up with a business sales professional in a corporate store. He or she can also make suggestions for you. My two favorite corporate stores in phoenix each have a sales professional who deal with businesses. I came from BB and Android I'd so much better. The Note2 is very fluid. Everything I do is effortlessly. Very different but also just as secure. I only have one work email. No complaints. I left BB over 4 years ago. Not looking back. You will need to be patient and not be on a high horse if an Android member hadn't answered a question the way you want it. There are many ways to learn the ins and outs of Android. First is to not be a SNOB. Because you are indeed acting like one.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Note2


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2012
It is going to be different and the best way is to dive in. Take the plunge. You can also meet up with a business sales professional in a corporate store. He or she can also make suggestions for you. My two favorite corporate stores in phoenix each have a sales professional who deal with businesses. I came from BB and Android I'd so much better. The Note2 is very fluid. Everything I do is effortlessly. Very different but also just as secure. I only have one work email. No complaints. I left BB over 4 years ago. Not looking back. You will need to be patient and not be on a high horse if an Android member hadn't answered a question the way you want it. There are many ways to learn the ins and outs of Android. First is to not be a SNOB. Because you are indeed acting like one.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Note2

Great reply Jude. I love helping people on the forums but I absolutely do not want to help anyone who is unwilling to help themselves.

He is a long time bb user who is clueless about android. He doesnt want to do the time we all have done to find the apps we like. I myself am a 4 year vet of iphone. Had the 3g, 4 and then the 5 for about a month. I moved on and found that android IS better for almost everything. But if he is unwilling to try then I say screw it and let him run back to blackberry.

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Well-known member
Nov 26, 2012
I think you might be right:( I'm finding that the majority of people that use these android devices use them as toys and not tools. That and the fact I don't think many of them have used a bb before, so they never knew how good it does these things right out of the box. I find it rather odd that so many in here are giving up at the challenge of helping me and suggesting I return to BB. Maybe this android craze is a paper tiger? Don't think so tho. I'd of put my new android phone back in the box 24 hours after I got if I had a spec of confidence BB had a future. They have a totally new OS and it's missing some of the things that made BB what it is...or was. I also have no desire to do business with a company that is striving to be #3. Another fact is I'd have to learn a whole new OS with BB10 and why make that investment in a company that's future and leadership is very much in question??? If I have to invest in a new OS (and by investing I mean my time in learning it and the money spent on apps, accessories), then I want to be with a company that is growing, striving to be number one and most importantly has a future. I'm more convinced than ever after BB's splat errr I mean launch last week that the company isn't going to make it. So no, I'm not giving up on this note 2 yet. I must admit tho, it feels like I went from college to kinder garden. Every time I get ready to throw it against the wall, I go make a call on it and enjoy the crystal clear perfect audio, I look at all the other "toy" stuff I can do on it and that big beautiful screen, then I relax take a deep breath, forget about it for a while. After I've recharged then I go back in to it trying to make it better. Right now, it's a serious love hate relationship. Parts of it I think are great, other things I go "you have to be kidding". I just wish some of these developers would of used a BB in a business sense before then started doing androids. Man if I could have all of what samsung and android offered along with the business tool sense and security of a bb.....it would be a perfect world;)

Remind me why RIM aka blackberry's stock went down the drain? Maybe cuz they apparently dont do anything as well as the competition.

Btw how about doing a little research on youtube or other places before you give up. There are countless reviews and walkthroughs on there that can show you anything you dont know. There is a reason this phone gets 5 stars in every review its because it really is that good.

To actually answer your original question the stock email app can do everything in your requirements. It can load multiple email address into one combined view it can also sort in 10+ sorting configs.

The stock calender looks bleh on first viewing but if you turn the phone horizontal you are presented with a much better layout with more options than you can shake a stick at. Im not sure it will meet your requirements though. Play with it and if its a deal breaker then move on. The blackberry z10 will be out soon. Btw it looks like an android or iphone as well. Which probably means the software they use is moving in that "toy" direction as well.

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Well-known member
Dec 8, 2009
I think you might be right:( I'm finding that the majority of people that use these android devices use them as toys and not tools. That and the fact I don't think many of them have used a bb before, so they never knew how good it does these things right out of the box. I find it rather odd that so many in here are giving up at the challenge of helping me and suggesting I return to BB. Maybe this android craze is a paper tiger? Don't think so tho. I'd of put my new android phone back in the box 24 hours after I got if I had a spec of confidence BB had a future. They have a totally new OS and it's missing some of the things that made BB what it is...or was. I also have no desire to do business with a company that is striving to be #3. Another fact is I'd have to learn a whole new OS with BB10 and why make that investment in a company that's future and leadership is very much in question??? If I have to invest in a new OS (and by investing I mean my time in learning it and the money spent on apps, accessories), then I want to be with a company that is growing, striving to be number one and most importantly has a future. I'm more convinced than ever after BB's splat errr I mean launch last week that the company isn't going to make it. So no, I'm not giving up on this note 2 yet. I must admit tho, it feels like I went from college to kinder garden. Every time I get ready to throw it against the wall, I go make a call on it and enjoy the crystal clear perfect audio, I look at all the other "toy" stuff I can do on it and that big beautiful screen, then I relax take a deep breath, forget about it for a while. After I've recharged then I go back in to it trying to make it better. Right now, it's a serious love hate relationship. Parts of it I think are great, other things I go "you have to be kidding". I just wish some of these developers would of used a BB in a business sense before then started doing androids. Man if I could have all of what samsung and android offered along with the business tool sense and security of a bb.....it would be a perfect world;)

I found this article a few days ago after Blackberry came out with BB10. This might be able to help you out a bit. I wasn't trying to be discouraging at all earlier. Just trying to say that sometimes if you go into a relationship always comparing your new flame to your ex, your new flame will never live up to the hype. You'll always be complaining about how you ex used to do things a certain way, or how you liked that. Eventually, she will leave you to send you back to your ex.
While your phone can't do that, it's almost the same thing. Check out the link on Phandroid, and maybe that can help you out a bit.


Well-known member
Oct 17, 2010
Plenty of us use our Android phones as tools rather than as toys. I came to Android from BlackBerry myself 3 phones ago, and it took me a while to learn what apps best suited my needs and how to use them. I personally found it best to learn by doing, and asked specific questions on message boards when I needed a hand. I have found the community of users to be very helpful, especially when I have asked for focused assistance rather than broad fuzzy questions.

The OP asked overly broad questions IMO. I'll suggest that they may want to narrow the focus of their questions if they want to continue using this excellent business tool (not toy), as I can guarantee it will do things that no BlackBerry device can. I agree with others here, though, that no tool is right for every user, and maybe the OP just really needs to stay with BB.

OC Nut

Well-known member
Apr 30, 2011
I switched over to Android 2 years ago after years with Blackberries for business. I hated losing the physical keyboard and the ability to file emails by typing 'i' and the first few letters of my desired folder. On the other hand, it got to the point where I wanted to hurl the Bold against the wall several times a day because of the constant reboots, required battery pulling, and *especially* any time I needed/wanted to use the browser and see "Requesting (1 of 139)" for two minutes.

I think I now type faster with the onscreen keyboard with autocorrect, in most cases, but filing emails is still a pain. That doesn't make the Note 2 "a toy," not "a tool"; it has its own numerous strengths and there are some things that old Blackberry 9000 can do that the Note 2 cannot. But if certain things are dealbreakers for you, there may not be apps that do things just the way you want (whereas BB does do them in that way), and there's very little that can be done about that. (As another example, the Apple file management system and automatic compression of photos were complete dealbreakers for me with respect to iphones, even though obviously hundreds of millions of people have no problem with it at all.)

So I think it's not that people are trying to be unhelpful in telling you to go back to Blackberry. I think that you've just specified certain very specific items as being dealbreakers, BB does it exactly the way you want, and Android may not have that specific functionality. Or if it does, it may be in an obscure app that doesn't do other things well. (Autotext is another example -- autotext on BB was a great feature, but is in only a few Android keyboards, such as Smart keyboard -- but the keyboards that have it may not be preferable for other reasons, such as inferior autocorrection algorithms.) Something as simple as looking at photos in a hierarchical organization, for the most part, baffles Iphone and Android users (I spent weeks looking for a gallery app that would do this).

There's no need to call Androids "toys" and opine that we haven't used Blackberries before. RIM was dominant in the business market for many years, and many of us have used them for a long time, and for one reason or another, have felt that the "total package" presented by Android phones is better than that presented by Blackberries, and have been able to live without some of the particular strong points of Blackberries (and have received in exchange other benefits that Blackberries have been incapable of delivering). Good luck -- if you do find those features to be dealbreakers, then it may be necessary to stay with the BB platform (and if they're not supported by BB10, which could be the case -- I have no idea -- then on the old BB platform so long as it's viable).


Trusted Member
Dec 13, 2010
He wants it all done for him. Wonder how he learned when he was a child? Half the fun is exploring on your own. I help my friends when needed. And I always showed the basics to my customers. .

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Note2

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