Facebook Contacts Folder


Well-known member
Dec 4, 2009
After the 2.0.1 update on my Droid, for some reason, my Facebook Contacts folder is now empty. I used to have all my facebook contacts in it and could look up friends through that. Now when I open the folder there is nothing in it.

I have a couple of contacts that just will not sync up with facebook as well. I have them in Gmail, and facebook, but they will not link up. No pic in contacts, none of the facebook data is showing.

I came over from my BB and love the droid, but there are a few things I wish they would fix, such as, facebook.

I really hope someone comes out with a conduit to be able to sync the phone up with outlook soon. Google is alright, but it is not my main email address.

Last thing, for the cost of the phone, and what it costs each month thru VZW, you would think that we shouldnt have to look at google ads on this phone. How much of the bandwidth is that costing the network?

Sorry to vent in here... I love the phone. But there are some things that arent working right... and for what this costs, I expect it to be right. Been considering going back and exchanging it for a Storm II. Dunno just yet.:cool:


Well-known member
Oct 28, 2009
just wondering, have you opened the facebook app? Mine required me to log in again after the update and THEN, after i logged in, all my contacts were sync'd again and all was well.