fisheye camera lens inside browser


New member
Aug 24, 2020
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Hi all,
never had any mayor problems or concerns but just the other day I came across something that really bugs me since then. Even more because a coworker with his iphone does not have this problem at all.

So we are rolling out a wireless infrasructure and do add the accesspoints (AP) to a cloud controller via the phone. To add a AP I have to scan its serial number. This happens on a webpage via an "rollout assistant".

The issue is when I access the camera via any browser while on the webpage it will automatically choose the wideangle/fisheeye lens which is the worst option to choose to scan classic style barcodes. It seems to be impossible to manipulate which camera to choose or at least to autofocus on the barcode.

Do you have the same issue? Can you give any suggestion how to work aroud?

would be really glad to scan the barcodes instead of typing the numbers on the keyboard.

Hope you are well and thanks in advantage.


everything is up to date.

forgot to mention:
firefox uses front camera
chrome and samsung stock browser wide angle cam