From Pixel 7 to 8A, advice?


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Nov 4, 2013
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I'm debating whether to "upgrade" to the Pixel 8A from my current Pixel 7 (non pro). While I realize some may consider this a downgrade, I am not one to NEED the latest specs. I was previously going to wait for the 9 release but currently Best Buy is temporarily offering a higher trade in value for devices (in this case $205 for my Pixel 7) plus a $100 Best Buy gift card and if activated with my carrier the retail price is $100 less.

Overall it would be:
$499 - $205( trade in value) - $100 (carrier discount) = $194 plus taxes.
On top of that a $100 gift card from best buy so technically a bit over $94for the Pixel 8A.

What exactly would I be missing out on by coming from the 7? I'd be going from Gen 2 Tensor to Gen 3, no reverse wireless charging (never use it), slower charging speed. I'm not sure about cameras. I've always though the A series still had stellar cameras.

I'm only tempted for the 9 due to the new form factor.

What do you all think of this option for someone that doesn't need all the bells and whistles?


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Oct 10, 2018
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My question would be what would the 8a do for you that your 7 is not. When the 8 came out I upgraded from the 7 to the 8 and very happy that I did. The 8's are always on sale for as low as 499.00-549.00. If my choice was the 8a or wait for the 9 I'd wait.
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Well-known member
Oct 10, 2018
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I'm debating whether to "upgrade" to the Pixel 8A from my current Pixel 7 (non pro). While I realize some may consider this a downgrade, I am not one to NEED the latest specs. I was previously going to wait for the 9 release but currently Best Buy is temporarily offering a higher trade in value for devices (in this case $205 for my Pixel 7) plus a $100 Best Buy gift card and if activated with my carrier the retail price is $100 less.

Overall it would be:
$499 - $205( trade in value) - $100 (carrier discount) = $194 plus taxes.
On top of that a $100 gift card from best buy so technically a bit over $94for the Pixel 8A.

What exactly would I be missing out on by coming from the 7? I'd be going from Gen 2 Tensor to Gen 3, no reverse wireless charging (never use it), slower charging speed. I'm not sure about cameras. I've always though the A series still had stellar cameras.

I'm only tempted for the 9 due to the new form factor.

What do you all think of this option for someone that doesn't need all the bells and whistles?
I apologize for deviating to the 8 since you didn't even request that....:)


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Nov 4, 2013
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I apologize for deviating to the 8 since you didn't even request that....:)
More than anything, longer software cycle support, smaller size, and the realization I don't need all the bells and whistles anymore as "budget" phones are really good at this point. I'm also very partial to anything BLUE! The change in appearance for the 9 series looks nice but...if I wanted a phone that looks like an iPhone...I'd go for an iPhone.

So ultimately, do I want a budget device with long support cycle, or spend more for a premium device that also has a long support cycle. I think camera quality wise I would not lose much going to the A series. That's pretty much the gist of it. Just wanting some feedback from anyone else to see if there's anything I may not be considering.


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Mar 21, 2021
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I'm sticking with my Pixel 5 so my opinion is to skip the 8a.

My P5 is working perfectly and serving all my needs. And I love the size/weight of the P5.
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Sep 20, 2012
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Agree with ras47, the Pixel 5 size and weight are near perfect, as is the rear fingerprint sensor. Still have mine (on Wi-Fi only now).

Guaranteed software and security updates stopped in October 2023, so something to consider for the support cycle as anthonium mentions.

The 8/8a are tempting now that the 5 no longer receives updates. Spam text and voice are fierce these days, and the Pixel call and text spam filtering capabilities are something I do miss.

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Jan 17, 2016
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It was reported that it was primarily to fix cellular issues. See:

I'm sticking with my Pixel 5 so my opinion is to skip the 8a.

My P5 is working perfectly and serving all my needs. And I love the size/weight of the P5.
You might want to read up on the security implications of continuing to use a phone that is End of Life.

I too have a Pixel 5, and also only use it on WiFi, but I also have a pixel 8.
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Jan 17, 2016
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Of all the things that would cause me to either buy or not buy a Pixel 9, whether or not it looks like an iPhone is the absolute last thing on the list.

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