I periodically see WiFi connection speed slowdowns on S22 Ultra. The browser pages load slowly, YouTube videos buffer. The WiFi speed comes to normal after I toggle the WiFi radio, but becomes slow again over time.
All my other devices work well over WiFi and the router connection is good at 500 Mbps.
Didn't see anyone posted about this issue on this forum.
I searched around and there are multiple people experiencing the same problem with WiFi on S22 Ultra. The workaround is to use static IP or 2.4GHz radio.
More information here:
All my other devices work well over WiFi and the router connection is good at 500 Mbps.
Didn't see anyone posted about this issue on this forum.
I searched around and there are multiple people experiencing the same problem with WiFi on S22 Ultra. The workaround is to use static IP or 2.4GHz radio.
More information here: