Give up subsidized phone to get updates direct from google?

Give up subsidized phone pricing for google to update your phone?

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Well-known member
Jul 13, 2010
Recently it was leaked that google will be directly updating its new flagship tablet directly with the introduction of jelly bean. While I dont expect google to force this on samsung, verizon, at&t, etc. would you give up your subsidized priced phone if you could get your updates directly from google by buying your phone directly from google?

For example, the Google Galaxy Nexus (not to be confused with the Verizon Samsung Galaxy Nexus)-same phone but bought from google play store instead of verizon....would be updated immediately from google itself instead of waiting 3-6 months more.

Lets make the price point where it is now for the google nexus, $400.


Retired Moderator
Dec 28, 2011
As I see it, this will be my next move. Thankfully, I have 1.5 years until that becomes a major decision.

It's not necessarily updates from Google that I like, but in all, the more "direct" experience. I want to have more control over my plan, more control over my payments, and more control over what I'm getting. I feel that going through Google may give me that experience and then some.


Well-known member
Feb 10, 2012
Recently it was leaked that google will be directly updating its new flagship tablet directly with the introduction of jelly bean. While I dont expect google to force this on samsung, verizon, at&t, etc. would you give up your subsidized priced phone if you could get your updates directly from google by buying your phone directly from google?

For example, the Google Galaxy Nexus (not to be confused with the Verizon Samsung Galaxy Nexus)-same phone but bought from google play store instead of verizon....would be updated immediately from google itself instead of waiting 3-6 months more.

Lets make the price point where it is now for the google nexus, $400.

I hope that Google offers a cdma version in the future. I fear Verizon has that on lock down. The nexus that Google currently offers is not usable on Verizon

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus by way of Tapatalk


Retired Moderator
Nov 2, 2009
Not sure giving up subsidized phones will work for me because I have multiply devices on my account from my family and business lines. I use my kids and employees lines to support my phone addiction on getting a new phone every year or so.


Well-known member
Feb 22, 2011
Here is my reasoning, With an upgrade I got my verizon Nexus for $300. I would much rather pay the $100 extra to have a phone that Google updates because that is what I want. I used to have att and I am somewhat sad I don't still because I would buy a Nexus from Google in a heartbeat.


Nov 20, 2010
I would if they offered one that would work on Verizon. I can justify $400, but I have trouble justifying $600+ for a phone.

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk 2


Retired Moderator
Dec 28, 2011
If I/we want to keep unlimited data on vzw, I/we don't have a choice. After xx/xx/12, a family share plan will be the only option for data on a new contract when purchasing a subsidized device.

Looking forward to the day when Google launches their own network. Old news, but I haven't heard anything lately.
Google To Launch Its Own High Speed Fibre Optic Broadband Service

*customized tapatalk signature*

I don't think that's ever going to happen; anti-trust allegations and suits would come so quickly that Larry Page's head would spin like the top at the end of Inception Natalie Portman in Black Swan.


It's been real...
Sep 5, 2011
Microsoft gets away with breaking anti-trust laws all the time. Why not Google? There's always a loophole. You know that, Mr. Lawyer :p

Seriously though, I hope they do sometime in this decade.

*customized tapatalk signature*


Retired Moderator
Dec 28, 2011
Microsoft gets away with breaking anti-trust laws all the time. Why not Google? There's always a loophole. You know that, Mr. Lawyer :p

Seriously though, I hope they do sometime in this decade.

*customized tapatalk signature*

Well MS did get smacked around a bit IIRC; I'm not sure if Google is where MS was when that occurred, which would be the big difference.

But I hope the same, monopolies be damned :).
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Well-known member
Apr 20, 2010
I have a personal rule: if I want the Nexus that is currently available (or if you want an iThing for that matter) and it has been out for 6 months or longer, I wait until the next iteration. 6 months is the point of no return for things on a yearly cycle like the Nexus. Might as well wait it out.


Apr 23, 2011
I have no problem paying full price for phones as I already do that in my home country. Just wish they'd give us a device that'd work with Verizon because they have the best reception in my area.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

Sock-Monkey Pete

Well-known member
Dec 9, 2010
I have a personal rule: if I want the Nexus that is currently available (or if you want an iThing for that matter) and it has been out for 6 months or longer, I wait until the next iteration. 6 months is the point of no return for things on a yearly cycle like the Nexus. Might as well wait it out.

I tend to subscribe to this same train of thought, I just never put an actual number value to it. I figure that hitting early in a lifecycle is the best way to keep from getting swallowed by Moore's law quickly. I mean, of course, in the sense of being as quickly outdated in the rapidly progressing technological market.


Well-known member
Aug 29, 2010
If I/we want to keep unlimited data on vzw, I/we don't have a choice. After xx/xx/12, a family share plan will be the only option for data on a new contract when purchasing a subsidized device.

No. It has been mentioned in many other places that tiered data plans will still be available -- not that anyone is dying to sign up for a tiered data plan.


Well-known member
Jan 5, 2012
Recently it was leaked that google will be directly updating its new flagship tablet directly with the introduction of jelly bean. While I dont expect google to force this on samsung, verizon, at&t, etc. would you give up your subsidized priced phone if you could get your updates directly from google by buying your phone directly from google?

For example, the Google Galaxy Nexus (not to be confused with the Verizon Samsung Galaxy Nexus)-same phone but bought from google play store instead of verizon....would be updated immediately from google itself instead of waiting 3-6 months more.

Lets make the price point where it is now for the google nexus, $400.

i think you are being silly. Jelly bean isnt supposed to be some life changing update, I hear it has a few tweaks that are cool but is mainly incremental and geared towards tablets. Spending $400 to get a small software update and losing the benefit of your company paying for the phone is absurd. I hear the nexus tablet is going to be debuted in 2 days at google i/o and the google nexus will get the update by mid july. I am pretty certain that you will be able to unlock your bootloader, flash the update then re lock and maintain your corporate subsidy with the VZW g nex.

edit : not to mention trading 4g for 3g


Well-known member
Aug 29, 2010

Verizon’s New ‘Share Everything’ Plans: Good Deal or Total Ripoff? | Techland |

Existing Verizon customers can hang onto their existing plans, but subscribers with unlimited data won?t be able to upgrade at subsidized prices, so they?ll have to pay about $600 or more for the latest smartphones. Unlimited data users can select a limited-data individual plan instead of Share Everything and still get a subsidized upgrade.


Moderator Captain
Trusted Member
Nov 16, 2010
If I/we want to keep unlimited data on vzw, I/we don't have a choice. After xx/xx/12, a family share plan will be the only option for data on a new contract when purchasing a subsidized device.

Lol. No one is being forced off of unlimited data.

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