Google is planning a Nexus 7 that could eventually go as low as $99, an Asia-based report claims.


Well-known member
Oct 18, 2012
Google planning cheaper Nexus 7, report claims

CNET: Google is planning low-ball itself with an even cheaper Nexus 7, according to an Asia-based report.
Google and Asus wowed consumers with the $199 Nexus 7 and now they're aiming at price points below $150, ultimately going as low as $99, according to Taipei-based Digitimes, citing sources at display component maker O-Film Tech.
The lower-priced Nexus 7 should be released by the second quarter of next year, said the technology site, which covers device manufacturers and component suppliers in Asia.
O-Film started shipping components for the lower-priced Nexus 7 in December, the report said. The company's touch-screen glass-glass film technology will contribute to lower production costs and make it thinner, Digitimes said.

The cost-reduction measures could eventually lead to a $99 Nexus 7 but this may not happen initially. The cheaper Nexus 7 may first be priced in the $129 to $149 range, according to the report.
Shipment estimates of the new Nexus 7 are in the range of 500,000 to 600,000 in the first quarter of shipments.
Needless to say, a Nexus 7 priced below $150 and eventually going to $99 would make Google's tablet even more competitively priced against the $329 iPad Mini -- even allowing for the high-quality build that Apple typically achieves with its tablets.
And, as always, this Digitimes report is coming from the supply chain, which can be very unpredictable. Orders for an unconfirmed new component or new product can be canceled at any time.
Also note that there are rumors already about a $99 Asus tablet that could be a forerunner to an upcoming Nexus 7.
Google and Asus are currently shipping about one million Nexus 7 devices per month, according to recent statements from Asus executives.


Well-known member
Oct 18, 2012
New to me, and new to all of Android Central, as far as I could tell from the search I did before posting....


Well-known member
Jan 4, 2012
New to me, and new to all of Android Central, as far as I could tell from the search I did before posting....
Not necessarily. I'm sure some people here have seen articles like that but didn't post it cause they didn't think it was true or something. I doubt there's an article out there about Android or something similar that no-one here has seen.


Well-known member
Oct 18, 2012
OMG, excuse the hello outta me....

In my many searches I come across something I find interesting, I do a search here, nothing found in all of android central (much less this N7 area), so I share...

You should use my tried n true method of not clicking on links or threads you're not interested in...

btw, another hint is to not post in them so as to quicken their departure into history.....


Well-known member
Jan 4, 2012
OMG, excuse the hello outta me....

In my many searches I come across something I find interesting, I do a search here, nothing found in all of android central (much less this N7 area), so I share...

You should use my tried n true method of not clicking on links or threads you're not interested in...

btw, another hint is to not post in them so as to quicken their departure into history.....
Did i say there was something wrong with you sharing an article you thought was interesting? No, I didn't. I put my 2 cents in on you saying that this article was something new to everyone at AC by saying that it probably wasn't new to everyone at AC.

Here's a hint for you: if you can't handle people correcting you, don't post.


Well-known member
Oct 18, 2012
New as a POST/THREAD. As much as we would all might like to believe that AC is all encompassing of the knowledge contained with in the brains of it's members, I for one have never thought this to be true. So when I say "new to all of Android Central, as far as I could tell from the search ", I of course mean the posted work, not the thoughts of all man kind....

see... I like me's some corrections.... :p


Well-known member
Jan 4, 2012
Let's just move on.

The Nexus 7 has done super well at its current price, but something at 99 bucks would be not worth it cause the specs would probably be outdated. Like a poor-man's tablet.


Well-known member
Oct 18, 2012
Personally I think google is looking at the ipad mini numbers and how it cut into apples own market share. So their thinking of doubling down on the nexus to buy market share.....

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