Grocery Tracker by easicorp question(s)


Well-known member
Jan 5, 2011
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First, the shopping lists and cart lists don't clear and my guess is because I'm not using the app right. For example I add the items I am buying to the product catalog and then add them to the shopping list of the store I will be buying them at. Later on when I tap on the item (added by scanning items see second question) in the shopping list to indicate I got the item and enter the sale price. This puts the item in the cart. But the lists remain full of crossed off items when I go to use the app again to plan my shopping and then go shopping. How do I get it so that the shopping list and cart lists clear when the grocery shopping is completed so that the product info is retained for price detail comparison for future shopping and have empty lists to refer to for planning and shopping?

Second, entering products in the product catalog is taking me a bit too much time to do. I'm hoping there is an easier way to do this. Right now I scan the items I've bought from the add to list tab. I always get a not found add it prompt I click yes to and most of the time at that point the items details are filled in. Which means it must have found it from the source(s) the app uses. Which confuses me as to why it says not found. But anyways, The automatic filled in info almost always needs editing. Size always has the unit of measure in the numerical field for the size instead of the drop down list used to indicate unit of measure. Most of the time the item name and brand are filled in correctly but occasionally need cleaning up. No price data is ever present as a result of the auto added details. But when adding the items this way they are added to the shopping lists without the price details that were entered when editing the item details during adding the item, requiring me to delete the item from the shopping lists and then add them again so that the price details are present in the shopping and cart lists. What can I do to remove or reduce these problems to streamline this process?

Third, I don't mind entering prices because the main reason for choosing this app was for the price tracking feature. It is important to me to know where I have gotten the best deals on things and what the best deals I've gotten are for future reference when planning my shopping. Back in the day I used to do this the hard way with pen and paper. Anyone have any tips on how I can improve on this aspect of using the app? There are nine places I most likely that I do grocery shopping at: Aldi, Dollar Tree, GFS marketplace, a couple local grocery stores, Meijer, Kroger, Save-a-lot, and Wallmart. And a few others I can do grocery shopping at like Target where I'm not likely to shop at. I check those nine stores' weekly adds for good deals and jot them down in a note text file. Sometimes I find more than one of the stores has a particular thing on sale and one of them a better deal that the other(s). Is there a better way to do this and price entering to streamline that part of the process?