Hancom office for n10.1 2014


Well-known member
Jul 26, 2012
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I emailed hancom to find out when hancom word and the rest of office will be available. Just got reply
.Dear Customer.
We have added the device of note 2014 editions with new update version on Samsung Apps that have to go through the certification process during which it may be approved.*
The task will take about a week. Thank you.

The Hancom Team

Raymond Hubbard

Well-known member
Jan 1, 2014
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If you go to Samsung Apps there is a Hancom Office Updater for our tablet. Once you install it gives you a list of updates, however as of today it will not download any updates. Why Hancom put on the updater before the apps makes no sense. However this must mean all the apps will be available soon.